


Wondering where I've been since last Tuesday???
Well, it had a little something to do with this....

I'm happy, thankful, relieved, and exhausted, but I made it through my last wedding of the summer and this preggo Mama could not be happier.  28 weeks pregnant is not an ideal state for being on your feet all day, walking up and down stairs and delivering huge flower arrangements all over the city!  But, by the grace of God and with the help of some very sweet friends and family, I made it through and I'm happy to report that it all went well.  As a reward for my hard work, I've thoroughly let myself enjoy the weekend after the stress and busyness of last week.  My hair is shorter, blonder and my feet have had an hour's worth of attention paid to them.  Ahhhhh.....

I'm still rounding up pictures (read-stalking people on facebook for them) of the wedding so I can show you all the nitty gritty details, but I thought you might enjoy a little sneak peak into all the pink that was my world last week.  It was a fun wedding and a pretty color scheme, very girly!  

Tomorrow I'm hoping to carve out some time for a real post, with some pictures of the blog star (ava) as well as some stories and thoughts about our last couple of days.  But tonight, I'm taking my key lime yogurt and a good book and I'm snuggling in for a little bit before I call it quits on the weekend.  

For the first time in months, I'm actually looking ahead at our calendar with NO STRESS and am ready to enjoy what's left of summer!  In fact, Ava and I have a date with"Mr. Routine" tomorrow...we desperately need to be reacquainted... 
Soooo on that note, until you see me reappear on here, I hope you've had a wonderful weekend too and a great start to your week!  Happy Monday :) 


Donna said...

Just gorgeous...good job!!!

Darla said...

Saw your new blonde do from afar...super chic:) Sorry...wasn't close enough to appreciate your toes, but I'm sure they look marvelous as well!

Ron and Peggy said...

Those bouquets are so pretty! How do you keep them from tumping over?