

Texie's Here!

 In addition to the below freezing temps that flew in this weekend, so did Texie!  She got here today and will be able to spend the next few days with us :) Ava was very excited, as we've been telling her for a few days that Texie was coming.  When I woke her up from her nap this afternoon, I asked her, "Do you know who is here Ava??"  She thought for a second and then said, "Tessie??"  And when I brought her out to the living room she happily exclaimed, "Hi Tessie!" 
Carter also woke up to Texie, and although he doesn't know her face yet, he was still all smiles!
We're going to do our best to keep Texie warm while she's here...The Texas heat she left behind is not exactly like the Minnesota cold that we are sharing with her!  However, I have a feeling one of these two little people will be in her arms at all times, if not both of them.  And that is really the best way to stay warm, don't you think? 

Hope you are having a great weekend! 

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