

If at First You Don't Succeed...

Oh, the fun we're having around here!  I've been quiet on the blog for a few days because my life has taken a not-so-quiet turn for the last week while we've been navigating the waters of potty training.  I think it's quite fitting to now ask you to observe a moment of silence, in honor of my dying sanity. If there's one stage of parenthood that I mostly loathe so far, it is hands down, this one.  I would rather be up at night, rather deal with a thousand messes, or answer unlimited questions than go through the training process of learning to go potty like a big boy.  I realize that sounds dramatic, but I am not exaggerating.  My feelings towards this roller coaster are in fact, dramatic.  
If I could hire this out, send them to "potty camp 101" or get out of this somehow, I would.  
 It all begins so wonderfully and neat.  
The chart...
The jelly beans...
 ...and the stickers for rewards.  It's all fun and games at the start and everybody is on board.  We learned a thing or two from enduring this phase with Ava and this time we waited much, much later to begin.  That seemed to be a very good decision for everyone.
 We eased into it slowly and carefully, not sure how Carter was going to respond and to our great surprise, he made the transition beautifully.  Acted like he'd been going in the potty his whole life.  It was amazing!  No tears, barely any accidents and total joy for all of us.  
That little surprise??  That's called false hope.  
And we bought it.
For the last week, we've been filling this chart up and we're almost out of jelly beans.  That chart is bursting with stickers now and we've still had very few accidents.  Staying dry overnight is not going to happen for awhile, and we're still getting the hang of actually wearing undies and keeping them dry all day...BUT, overall this has been very successful and as I uploaded these pictures this morning, I was all prepared to say he's doing so well!  I've grown so used to a certain little someone running around here all footloose and fancy free, no clothes to hinder him.  Apparently that's the best way boys learn and I'm doing my best to embrace it, we have a 99.9% success rate with no clothes on, but I won't lie it's still a little shocking for this girl who grew up with sisters!  

However, wouldn't you know that just this afternoon we had multiple accidents, including the granddaddy of them epic disaster in the kitchen of all places!!!!  It began in the kitchen (unbeknownst to me) and in what I assume was a well-intentioned move, it was soon tracked down the hallway, into a bedroom, a closet and a bathroom.  It ended with a crime-scene like toilet and lots of toilet paper in an effort to "clean up."  It was enough to throw this Mama right on over the cliff of despair.  The regressions, oh how I forgot about the regressions!!  There is something so disappointing about thinking they've got it and then realizing, nope, not quite yet.  It's called training for a reason and yeah I get that, but oh how I wish we could just skip go and collect $200, you know??  
 I've resorted to treats and rewards, and I don't mean for Carter, but for me.  
If I survive the day, or just the next 5 minutes, than chocolate it is.    
The good news is, he will get this.  No 18 year old is still wearing pull-ups, right??  The real question now is will I survive this?  Or better yet, will my hips survive the extra rewards?  

I told Travis today this will likely be the death of me, the way I finally go.  I am certain I don't get paid enough for this part of the job, but then again, I do get to see the cutest little grin on the face of a little guy who makes it to the bathroom in time.  I get to dish out jelly beans and help choose stickers all day, every day.  I get to watch my baby grow up and master this very big boy skill and I get to cheer him on along the way.  It's not glamourous and it's definitely not any fun, but I am glad I'm the one he can celebrate with and I'm thankful he gets to learn at home, with no pressure or with someone who didn't bring him into this world and would resent cleaning him up or assuring him "it's just an accident" when he fails.  Everything in me wants to complain and wish this away, but when this phase passes, we'll be able to say we did it.  And yes, I do mean we.  I want some credit!  Ha ha!  

I'd like to just relax and not think twice about who needs to go potty and when the last time certain events occurred, but we're not out of the woods yet and for now I've got one eye on whatever I'm doing and the other eye following some cute, naked buns around the house!  
I'd be thrilled at how close we are to victory if I didn't have a baby dancing around inside my tummy, constantly reminding me that I get to do this allllllll over again, in just a few more years...Oh boy!!  

Oh well, at least it's an eternal winter around here and we've got nowhere to be... 
This too shall pass I know, but in my opinion, it won't be a moment too soon!  
I think I need a brownie...

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