Well, I've decided that it's about time we join the blogging world! I was inspired recently to update our mode of communication, so here we go!
Here we are in front of our new Church. We've been in Minnesota at Grace Church since March of 2006, and we love it! Travis is the Junior High Pastor there and I think he is perfectly suited for that role. We love Minnesota, more than we thought we would. We imagined it would be difficult to leave North Carolina and transition back to the Midwest, but so far it's been wonderful...of course we know the inevitable (WINTER) is lurking just around the corner! Ask us then how great Minnesota is...we may have a different answer!
We are very happy, very blessed. God has graciously given us many things to be thankful for and we know our happiness lies not in those things, but in the sufficiency of Christ. I hope this is a better way for us to update you...forgive us now for the endless pictures and posts of our dog, Ryley, to come. We are a bit obsessive about him...ok, a lot obsessive!
Welcome to our world!