On Saturday, my Mom and I met our best girlfriends, Joan and Amber and little Ella, for coffee at Starbucks. It's always fun to go home because not only do I get to see my close friends, but I always seem to run into people I know from growing up. I'm from a small town (sort of, about 70,000) but I went to a small christian school, same church, etc. so it's very easy to always run into someone when I'm around town. Anyway, after we had coffee, my Mom and I did a little shopping and ran into one of my favorite guy friends from high school and his girlfriend. I missed him when he couldn't come to our high school reunion, so it was so much fun to see him and to meet his sweet girlfriend. And of course, it was great to see Amber, Ella, and Joan!

Little Miss Ella Grace, looking all cute, just like her mama! Can't believe how quickly she's growing up!!

What else could be more fun than shredding napkins at Starbucks? Lots and lots of napkins...

Two Moms in my life. Joan, my "second mom" and Debby, my real Mom. Sometimes we laugh because it seems their daughters, Amber and I, were switched at birth! Joan is an interior designer and my Mom is a nurse. I graduated with a degree in Interior Design and Amber is a P.A. Isn't that funny? You might think we're switched, except that we're both like our own Moms!

My best friend Amber and I. I don't think I've shared this yet, but she is also pregnant with #2! She's due about 3 weeks before I am, which is fun for us to go through together! Amber looks great in this picture, I however look tired. Very, very tired.
Wow, I just have to say that little Ella looks sooo much like this other little girl named Ella from FBCN. Weird!
It's funny. It looks like your mom's could be sisters and you two could also! I'm glad you had fun and got to catch up!
Hanging out with friends & moms are just the best!!!!
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