

Just Keep Swimming!

Last week we spent our afternoons with our favorite swim instructor for some swimming lessons.  I knew I wanted to get these in for the kids before the baby came, knowing it would be nearly impossible afterwards.  Thankfully we were able to squeeze them in just in time!  Our kids love Miss Steph and so do Trav and I.  She is a great teacher and we had another fun round of lessons!  

 For the most part, the kids did great and tried everything she asked them to do, but every now and then one of them would protest a little or get nervous.  Carter was cracking me up with his favorite line here, "I think this is a bad idea!"  He can be so stubborn sometimes and when Steph asked him to do something he didn't want to do, he usually told her three or four times before we got him to try, "I don't know about this, I think this is a bad idea!"  
 He was not a fan of the goggles at all, but he sure looked adorable in them!  

 For some reason, both kids got a wild hair that they'd like to go off the diving board at the end of their lesson, which I knew would never happen.  
 Carter got as close as the end of the board, but then he decided for real this time, that wasn't a good idea after all!   
 So off the side he went instead! 

 Miss Ava also had a great week and was totally cute in her goggles.  She was a little more nervous about her goal of swimming on her own but she did a great job and demonstrated that she can definitely do it, she just needs some more practice and confidence.  Something we can definitely help her with this summer!

 Looking so grown up these days...

 And just like her brother, she thought she'd give the old diving board a try...
 ...until she got to the edge :) 
A leap off the side it was for her too! 
What a great week! I was proud of both of my little swimmers and exhausted from getting us all there and back every day.  
 Thanks Miss Steph!  We sure love swimming with you! 
In classic Minnesota fashion these two had to swim in all kinds of weather.  One day it was in the 60's, two days we were near 80 and the last day it was a whopping 59 degrees!  Thankfully it was a heated pool, but I thought they deserved some treats to celebrate their hard work and perseverance :) 
Another year of swimming lessons in the books, now to practice, practice and practice some more!  
Or as Dory says in Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming!!"