

Holiday Fun, Then & Now

We were able to spend some time at Texie's house while we were in Abilene and as always, she was ready to go with lots of Christmas fun! She didn't know we were coming, but she was all decorated for Christmas and even had all of the kids' presents wrapped and ready too!  Super-grandma! It was very fun to have a couple of nights to relax and enjoy time with Trav's family.  We missed Shaye and her family and Brian's family too, but so great to enjoy Katy, Todd and JT! 
 When we were here for Thanksgiving three years ago, Texie was all ready to make sugar cookies with the kids...
So sweet!  Ava loved doing that with her and has since done several more times with Texie at our house.   
So serious spreading that frosting! 
Look how little Carter was!  
 Two little peanuts back then  :) 
This was the year of Baby Stella, ha ha!  I can't believe that was 3 years ago already.  
Oh, that little smile...I miss those days! 
We had so much fun then, but how sweet life is now!  It was fun to be back at Texie's with Walker in the mix and now, with Aunt Katy, Uncle Todd and JT.  
 Texie had a Gingerbread Train kit for the kids to work on and the girls and I tackled it together.
 So cute, huh? 
 Ava was totally into it...
 Carter was semi-interested in between taking a break from his movie and JT was a little too busy for sitting still this year! 
 BUT, as soon as Texie announced it was time for presents, everybody was interested! 
 Love that sweet, little face!  He and Carter are cut from the same rock, they are BUSY!!
 Ava and Carter barely came up for air! 
Walkie scored on some Christmas socks...
 ...and the big kids got lots of treasures from Texie and Craig too!
 Love the hat!!  Perfect for a Minnesota baby! 
 Texie bought the cutest Christmas jammies for everyone!
 Sweet little cousins!  Just missing Dominic, Addison, Jules, Emma and Lily to make this picture complete.  
 Those faces are precious!  Pretty easy to tell they are related, huh? 
 Gotta get Walker in the mix!
We spent our last morning in Abilene together at the Prairie Dog park.
Can you see two of them popping up?  
 Because I can't help myself with the nostalgia, here we are 3 years ago at the same park.
Can you stand it??
That's Carter peeking out of that hat!
On that same trip, here's Carter with Daddy and Granny, he had just turned 1 here. 
 And here they are with Nana and Papa 3 years ago!
Time flies when you're having fun! 
 It was such a treat to spend four days with family and to soak up all the face to face time.  
Trav's uncle Ron especially thought so!  Ha! 

We are so thankful we got to see everyone and celebrate Thanksgiving together.  It was a blessing for you all to love on our kids and welcome us with open arms.  I wish Texas wasn't 15 hours South, but I'm thankful every time we get to come visit! 
 Here's to our next trip down 35 South...