I'm guessing this might be the only year we have this desire, but on day one of Spring Break Ava woke me up to see if we could do a sight word worksheet! Ha ha! I kissed her and said, No! It's Spring Break, we need a break! And by we, I mean ME :)
In my defense, I was also sick and spend the first 3 days of our break in bed. I was in the middle of the same virus that Walker had and it was brutal. So doing a worksheet was not at the top of my priority list, but I sure love the little Kindergarten student who was missing school already!
And thankfully this little peanut was also back to normal!
Just missing his Mommy doing everything for him :)
The first big surprise on Spring break was a long-anticipated, lost tooth!
We have been waiting and wondering when the treasured tooth would finally fall out and when I jokingly told her to just yank it out, she just did! And with big eyes and some smiles from both of us, there it was. It's pretty hilarious how teeny, tiny that little tooth is!
I was woefully un-prepared for lost teeth and all that goes along with it, so we scrambled a bit to find something for her tooth so that the tooth fairy could see it. Because yes, she was now bound to make a visit.
The tooth fairy got a hand-written note, which I'm not sure anyone could decipher but her!
I love our little toothless artist!
Thankfully the Tooth Fairy reads notes of all kinds and she made an overnight visit!
I don't want to expose anyone's secrets, but when the Tooth Fairy remembered she needed to descend upon a certain little girl's bedroom, she realized she hadn't written a hand written note in awhile herself and she couldn't quite remember exactly what she should say?
Luckily, Ava was delighted at the sight of a note and a dollar to keep!
After I returned to the land of the living, we took our cute pies out for dinner, something we hadn't attempted much of with all 3! Just a couple of bros, eating some BBQ!
We had our doubts that this one could handle it, but of course he proved us wrong by being a perfect angel, and a ham on top of that. Look at those eyes!
He had us laughing when he kept touching Carter's face and giggling!
Everything is a discovery for Walker right now.
He's just so darn cute, isn't he?
Ava and I had a special treat when got to go see Cinderella with our neighbor and her granddaughter. She had already seen it with Travis but I was so anxious to see it with my little girl. We both love a fairy tale and the story of Cinderella is one of the best!