It's been a long week at the Armstrong house. I've been sick for 8 days now, although I'm finally feeling better, but it's been a bummer of a week. I can't remember the last time I was this sick for this long. I even got pink eye...yuck. I had a bacterial infection that sidelined me for what seemed an eternity, but tonight I can say that I'm finally feeling better.
Travis does not do well when I'm sick...and he readily admits this! He's patient for about a day and then he's ready for me to be well. This time, I think he realized how miserable I was (mainly because I coughed all night, every night) and he extended his mercy for the duration. It's been a joke between us for awhile, but I sincerely hope nothing ever happens that requires him to take care of me! I'll be in for a world of trouble!! Will some of you please step in if that ever happens?? He's got so much darn energy that he can't deal with me when I feel like doing nothing! It's a good thing we have least he can go run with the dog while I lie on the couch...
Speaking of that, it's finally beautiful here! It's been in the 60's every day this week and we are loving it. It's really funny to be a Minnesotan now. I've realized that nobody takes good weather for granted here. As soon as it's above 45 degrees, I swear entire communities are out on walks and runs with their kids and dogs. Suddenly playgrounds are swamped with hundreds of kids and going on a walk means you'll pass at least 50 people doing the same thing! We do love that. It seemed like we didn't go for walks very much, if ever, in Florida or North Carolina. I think it was just so nice all the time that we never thought to. Now, as soon as the sun is out in the morning, the sidewalks and parks are crowded all day long until the sun goes down. Ryley has met so many dogs this week! Some nice and some not so nice...but we are loving Minnesota again, and that's important. We were on the verge of insanity with the last snowfall we had 2 weeks ago, so praise the Lord for sending some sunshine our way to get us through the home stretch!
We had one of our classic "yes, we are in youth ministry" days today...we hosted our second annual Dodgeball Tournament. From 8-5 we were at church with high school and junior high students playing dodgeball! I should clarify that I actually did not play this year, as I have no energy from being sick, but my husband did...and now he's paying for it! 33 seems to have hit him hard this year. He's been hobbling around all night nursing his injuries, because of course he played hard all day, trying to out-play all the 13-18 year olds! But he loved it and he can't wait till next year I'm sure! We ordered the edited version of the movie and watched it while the games were was hilarious! I'm sure the original version was much different, but I loved it! We also went to see Blades of Glory last night and again, we loved it...although we probably shouldn't have either! There is just something about Will Ferrell as a figure skater that makes me laugh hysterically! For the record, there was too much language and too many sexual jokes and innuendos, but we laughed so hard repeatedly...
I'll leave you with a picture of my dodgeball stud!
1 comment:
Nice pictures... we wish we were there to go see blades of glory....I'm sure we would have many funny laughs together! have a good week!
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