Well, it's come and gone now. I'm officially 27. I realize, in the grand scheme of being 60 or 70, 27 is still very young. However, there is something about getting older that I don't like this year. For some reason, this age is bothering me. I've psycho-analzyed it with Travis and realized I'm being ridiculous, but I think there are things I was hoping to do or see by now and it's hitting me that another year has passed and they still remain on the list. Is that crazy? Maybe, but that's where I'm at this year.
Regardless, I did have a fun birthday celebration this year! Lots of sweet people made the day fun for me. I'm posting pictures of Ben and Finn, who made a cake for me with their Mom and sang me a hilarious version of "Happy Birthday" ! I believe I was told that I live in a zoo and smell and act like a monkey too! When you're almost 3 and 5, what could be funnier?? Also, my cousin Jenny made me cupcakes and her kids and husband (thanks Chris!) sang to me! Travis took me out for dinner at Maggiano's...our favorite, and my parents came at 10:30 that night! My Mom and I shopped all day Wednesday, which was fun, as I bought too many things!
I was just discussing with my small group of women last night, how discontent I can be sometimes. Isn't that a struggle of all humans? Why do we struggle with being content when God has been so good? Especially in America...Even typing this makes me realize again, just how blessed I am. What a humbling thought. How can I dare complain to the Lord when I stop and consider all that He's done for me? There is a song on the radio right now, as I type, (by Mercy Me) that talks about bringing the rain if that will bring the Lord glory, if that's what it takes to praise Him. How true. I'll gladly take the good, but how do I feel about the bad? If it will bring my Savior glory, then I hope I can say, bring the rain!
We do feel like the rain is lightly falling right now at our Church. Our senior Pastor announced last week that he feels the Lord is calling Him to take his part-time hobby and make it his full-time ministry. He's been leading a ministry for a few years now, called Strategic Renewal International, that ministers to Pastors and leaders all over the world, inspiring them through restorative prayer and encouragement in this culture of fallen Pastors and war-torn ministry leaders. He's led it for years while being a Senior Pastor, but now He is stepping out of the Senior Pastor role to do this full-time. While we are sad to be losing him, we are confident that He is right where the Lord wants him and uses him best. Of course that means more transition for our Church and for Travis and the staff, but it's a good thing. It's very different when a Pastor leaves under great conditions and with no ill feelings. It's sad for us, but good for him and for his family, so we'll say goodbye in the coming months with mixed emotions, but we know the Lord is sovereign and in control. Nothing surprises Him and we look forward to walking the road he takes us down.
If I've learned anything over the years, I've learned not to regret the hard times. It's in those hard times that I've learned the most about the Lord and that I've grown closer to him. He is so faithful, he promises never to leave us or forsake us, and he is trustworthy. Who knows what lies ahead, but we do know who we'll be following. We follow Him willingly, not because he promises rosy days, but because He is worthy. I can say today, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!"
1 comment:
I feel like I just read a really great word from God! Have you considered writing?!! Wow, so sad about Pastor Daniel. We really liked him, but I'm sure God will continue to bless Grace. Your birthday looks fun! Imagine 29 yrs. like me... ahhh... next year the big 30! We miss you guys. We think of you often. Have a great weekend!
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