Don't forget to tune into Dr. Phil today and watch Holly and Aaron's testimony about Kate's battle with cancer! They have shared that they hope to raise up more prayer warriors for Kate by sharing her story, as well as inspire others to pray for and support the many kids and families who face devastating illnesses. I'm sure their prayer support will increase by the thousands today, but I'm also sure that their story and their faith in Jesus will lift His name up and offer the same hope they've come to know to millions who are desperately looking for some. I'm sure they never, ever dreamed of being in any kind of national spotlight, and they'd gladly trade a second of it for a healthy diagnosis, but we know that the Lord works in mysterious ways to draw people to Himself. I have so much respect for them as they share their story and no doubt, open themselves up to some degree of scrutiny, all for the sake of God's name being proclaimed. Can't wait to see it!
And, I have to tell you, from the beginning of their journey, Dr. Phil has been one of those prayer supporters. When Kate was first diagnosed, somehow Dr. Phil found out about it and he faithfully posted her story and her caring bridge on his personal blog and in his twitter feed. I heard about it from Kate's aunt, my friend Steph and have followed Dr. Phil on twitter ever since. I have never known much about him and I still don't, except that I will say, after reading his tweets for months now and hearing about his care and concern for the McRae's, I have a new found respect for him. He appears to be exactly what he says he is: authentic, genuine, concerned and extremely kind. I know from talking to Steph, that he and his wife went to great lengths to show them their support and love in a variety of ways. Whether you like him or not, I am guilty of mis-judging him and thinking he was probably something he isn't. I respect him for reaching out to Holly and Aaron and for inviting them to share their faith and the reason for their hope on his show. He didn't have to do that. And he and Robin didn't have to bless the McRae's in some very tangible ways, but they did. Gotta love that...
Kind of refreshing, huh?
Keep praying for Kate and the many kids who will spend Christmas in cancer wards and hospitals all over the country...
Kind of puts my to-do list into perspective this year.