

Bracing for the Beginning

Deep breath. 
It's here. 
What's here?


To say I'm excited is an understatement.  Really thrilled is more like it!  I don't know what the official first day of Fall is (I'm sure my brother in law will inform me) but in our books, it's officially here.  We're past labor day and school has started.  Tomorrow we start Tuesday morning Bible study and Wednesday we kick-off student ministries for the year.  SUCH a fun week!!  Plus, the weather is about to change in a GREAT way...Today it's 90, tomorrow it will be in the 70's and the rest of the week in the 60's!!  Just perfect. 

I'm way over being hot.  I'm done with shorts and flip flops and ready for jeans, boots and sweaters.  Just typing that makes my heart happy in fact :)

I was at the store yesterday and spotted the first apple cider display, which is my drug of choice from now til Christmas.  I haven't ordered a pumpkin spice latte yet but I will be, the next time I'm at Starbucks.  I did a little fall display with my cousin at our Church last weekend, for the Beth Moore Simulcast we hosted, and I think that jumpstarted my desire to break out the fall decor around here and just embrace the season with arms wide open.  I've been cleaning and de-cluttering all day, making room for places to put my fall stuff.  I haven't burned a fall candle yet, but mark my words, that will be happening in a matter of hours.  After I go buy one!  I've embraced the return of football and even celebrated by making a 7 layer dip for dinner last night.  Yes.  Sunday night football, chips and a spicy bean dip.  It was my husband's dream and it made me ready for soups and stews :)

It's also recently dawned on me that Carter's 1st birthday is only weeks away now!!  I'm refraining from dwelling on the emotions of that today, but instead getting very tickled at the thought of planning his little party!  Since Trav, Ava and I all have April birthdays, I think I'm especially going to love planning an October party every year.  So many fun themes that go with fall...
Sidenote-Can you believe this little person is about to turn 1???
Look at that blonde mop on his head and those bottom teeth...Gets me everytime!
Additional Sidenote-Yes, we will be getting this kid's hair cut.  It's not so offensive in person, but I'm realizing these pictures are making a liar out of me.  Just focus on the big blue eyes.  They more than make up for the long hair that is resting dangerously close to his eyelids. 

Ok, back to all things fall.
Because I'm dying to know...
Have you joined the pininterest craze yet???
I recently joined and holy cow.  That is crazy fun and WAY addicting.  However, in addition to all the dreaming and pinning I've done, I've also picked up several great ideas and recipes that I think make up for the time I've spent looking for them :) Ha ha!  That's my way of spinning that...I think you can find me just by my name, Stephanie Armstrong.  Almost as fun as all the pictures and ideas are the names people give their boards!  Fascinating.  And makes me want to rename all of mine on a daily basis.  Truthfully, I'm only on there once or twice a week, but when I bring that website up, it is nearly impossible to get off it.  It's the perfect site if your man is working late and the kids are in bed :) Before you know it, it's midnight and you're ready to re-do your entire home or start a cooking show!!  I just love seeing all my friends' pins and the things they love too.  So girly, it's almost like having a virtual coffee date.

ANYWAY, all that to say, here is the latest treat Trav and I have been indulging in because I got the recipe on pininterest and couldn't wait to try it!
Let me walk you through it.
Start with 2 slices of apple rings, one with a smear of peanut butter and another with a smear of nutella, then add granola and mini chocolate chips.  Sandwich together and ENJOY!! 
Holy. Cow. 
It's yummy and not totally awful for you :)
I've learned I need an apple core-er (??) Is that a word??  Regardless, I need one.  It would make my apple rings so much prettier.  If you want to take out the nutella and just do peanut butter, you could.  I think that was the original idea, but I've never been one to shy away from extra chocolate!  Ha!

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of Fall like I am!  What are you favorite things about the season?  Any fall must-haves that I'm missing??  I'm cornering Trav tonight, with our calendars, to nail down a date for a trip to the apple orchard and a fall photo shoot. 

I know he'll be so excited about both!  Ha Ha!
Happy Monday friends!