

One Day in October

Two weeks ago I jumped into a fun Instagram challenge that a friend posted.  It was sort of a "day in the life" kind of thing that involved chronicling the everyday, mundane parts of your day that no one sees.  I thought it sounded like a fun way to capture a little slice of this season in our lives and oh my, on this particular day I had much going on! It was fun to do it and I'm glad I jumped in, I'm also glad my Instagram friends put up with me that day and my million pictures. 
Here's a little of what October 22nd looked like...
It was a Wednesday and it began like most everyday with lots of cuddles and smiles, particularly when Walker makes himself known.  He is a delight for all of us every morning.  At this point he was still sleeping in our room, so the kids love coming in to see him each morning when he is awake and babbling in his bed.  I love the way Trav and Carter are looking at him here.  
We are all in love with Walker! 
The race begins each day to get everyone breakfast and to get Ava ready for school.  I am in this little drawer almost every morning, looking for clips to put in her hair. We're in a back and forth with her hair.  She's not a fan of the brushing and combing and braiding or pony-tail wearing in the morning, but she looks so cute with her hair pulled back and I'm doing my best to keep her from getting lice at school.  Yes, we got the email that it's in the school, just not in her class, thankfully.  
Oh the joys of school! 
This little guy waits ever so patiently for my attention every morning, which comes after I send his sister to Kindergarten.  Sometimes he eats before she leaves and sometimes after but I can't fully hang out with him until she's out the door. 
We are still thankful for hugs between these two after the daily goodbye!  
Jammies for one, a backpack for the other.  It's all happening so quickly.  It won't be long before Carter is headed to preschool next year and Ava will be in 1st grade.  I'm enjoying and relishing this last year of Carter being home all day.  We have as many jammie days as we can right now.  It's my gift to him. 
The goal of my day is always to spend time here, with the Lord and in His Word.  It's the hardest part of the day to plan for and make time for, but it's the most rewarding.  I'm not in a groove of getting up before the kids yet, but with Walker sleeping longer and longer at night, I hope that season will be coming soon.  It's not easy to sit down after the day gets going but I do have pockets here and there that I have to be disciplined to take advantage of.  No matter what it looks like or how long I get, I always leave this time with the peace I was seeking and the fellowship with Jesus that is so sweet.  I've got an upcoming teaching opportunity in January so I'm starting to pray over that and see where the Lord will take me.  I get to speak to fellow Moms.  So fitting for my current season and humbling too.  
Very, very humbling.  I'm already resting in the grace and mercy of the Lord, knowing I don't have it all figured out but He does! 
I almost always have pandora on, streaming music when I'm at home.  I don't like a perfectly quiet house, I prefer a soundtrack to all the chaos!  I change my mind constantly about what I'm in the mood for but sometimes I land on the Mumford & Sons station.  My kids have their own requests.  Carter asks for the Toby Mac station and Ava always requests the Disney Princess station.  Are you surprised? 
This was a laundry pile I tackled.  One week's worth of kids' clothes.  I've officially lost control of the laundry with the addition of a third.  It's a lost cause for now and I never see the bottom of the pile anymore.  Oh well! When in Rome! 
In between playing with toys, watching a cartoon, or playing with Walker, Carter is usually asking me to play a game with him or show him how to play a game.  He's finally at an age where he can understand the rules and the object of most games but boy is he competitive!!  We're having lots of talks lately about being a good sport, win or lose.  His typical phrase is "I hope I win you Mom!"  
Just me and my boys.  I love the time I have with them right now.  It's a special and exhausting season. 
I try to so hard to make our bed everyday.  I feel so much better about the state of my day when my bed is made.  Sometimes that's as far as I get but at least it's something! 
And then just like that, a morning nap, playtime, lunch, an afternoon nap and a few chores are over.  The carpool lane beckons and we head out again to pick up Ava.  We get there early so we can get out quickly but that means we sit everyday for about 20 minutes in the car.  Sometimes it's peaceful and smooth, other times not so much.  
Reunited and it feels so good!  Carter is always thrilled when Ava joins the ranks again.  On Wednesdays we've developed a little routine of heading to Church right after school so that we can see Daddy and play for a little bit before afternoon Awana begins.  I'm usually coaching two kids through their memory verses on the drive over and while we play with Trav.  When this year is over I feel like I need some patches or awards for memorizing all these verses with them! 
After I dropped them off in their Cubbies and Sparks rooms I'm off with Walker, usually for an errand or two before we come back to pick them up.  An hour and a half never goes so fast until you have just two things you'd like to do.  I blink and this little window closes.  But it is a nice reprieve on a long Wednesday and before we eat dinner with the students and hang out a bit before we head home for bedtime.  
On this Wednesday my errand was to go to the Minute Clinic so that someone could listen to my lungs and determine if my 3 week cough was worth treating or not.  Unfortunately for me, the NP was worried that I might have pneumonia and she recommended I head to Urgent Care instead.  Because of course that's how that would go.  Especially on Wednesday night with a husband who is tied up for hours working.  
So after picking Ava and Carter up, I packed up all three kids, grabbed some fast food and made a bee-line to the Urgent Care.  Two+ hours later and two prescriptions later, Ava and I went home with a Bronchitis diagnosis and the boys went home with pent-up energy that needed to be expended.  
By the time it was all said and done, the kids were in bed around 10 and I was finally sitting down to eat a little dinner and welcome Trav home.  What a Wednesday, huh?  Some days I struggle with feeling like I am so unproductive and I accomplish so little.  From now on I'm going to pull this post up and remind myself, "Nope self, you aren't unproductive at all.  In fact, you do a lot!  Just surviving another day with all the basic needs met is a lot."  

So there you have it!  A slice of life right now and a look at what my Wednesdays usually hold, minus the trip to the Urgent Care!  Even with all the coming and going, the chores, the naps and allllll the feedings, I am one blessed woman and I'm grateful for all of this.  Like seriously, really, truly grateful. My arms are full, the barn is messy and what I do everyday will echo into Eternity.   

I wouldn't trade this life for the alternative any day!