Every year we buy our pumpkins from the same place, a darling farm store right next to our Church. I buy my bedding plants here in the spring and some vegetables in the summer. When the pumpkins start sprouting on the vines in September, my kids get so excited! They know that the pumpkins will be ready in October which signals Carter's birthday AND our annual trip here to pick out their pumpkins. It's fun for all of us, but especially their Mom. This place is my happy place and thankfully we picked a gorgeous day to go!
They were all decked out for Halloween.
It was this little cutie's first trip to the pumpkin patch!
Next year he'll be running all over the place and getting a much different view.
Second only to choosing their pumpkins is their dream of jumping in the giant inflatable pumpkin! We drive buy this thing nearly every day for a month so their excitement level build-up was quite large!
They love this thing and they spent quite a bit of time jumping around in there!
Trav took these of them playing in the little haunted house they have as well.
My little jail birds!
Meanwhile I walked around taking in all the beauty and hilarity of this place! Loved that old truck, it was a beautiful shade of navy blue in person, but I wasn't so sure about the howling, caged monkey in back or the skeletons in the front seat! Personally I think the back of that truck would have been more appealing filled with mums, pumpkins and hay bales.
All of which, they had plenty!
Bathtubs filled with pumpkins, this place just gets me! It's so quirky and beautiful all at once.
And these warty pumpkins get me every time! I love them!
Walker enjoyed looking at all of it with me.
That face was definitely the most darling thing I looked at however.
So cute!
After all their jumping, Carter was ready to go searching for the ultimate pumpkin.
There were rows and rows to choose from, making the search a big task for little eyes.
Choices, choices, choices.
So many pumpkins and thankfully all the time in the world to look them over.
After they narrowed their choices, Daddy did the heavy lifting!
Success!! Three (dirty) perfect pumpkins to take home and decorate.
Carter was enthralled with the giant, moving spider!
And Ava was all about the boxes and boxes of miniature pumpkins and gourds.
So thankful for a third pumpkin to love this year!
He wasn't quite feeling the photo opp. like his mother was...
But he came around. I could not pass up a shot with an old stove the background and pumpkins galore!
My persistance paid off because then we got this one!
Of all the pumpkins in the patch, these three are my very favorite.
In the spirit of full disclosure, it took us 10 minutes and 100 bloopers to get this shot! And yes, I did photoshop the scratch off Carter's nose. This one was too frame-worthy not to!
But as I like to remind Trav, I don't give up easily when it comes to pictures and as he likes to remind me, he doesn't run out of patience when it comes to pictures, although he certainly could :)
As we checked out, the ladies behind the counter got our kids with their giant fake spider!
Can you see it?
Once they figured out what was happening, they loved it!
Oh how we love you, Marshall's Farm Stand!
See you in the Spring!