I have some fun pictures to share with you today, in honor of our 30 day countdown.
I got a call yesterday from the sweet woman who was working on the cushions for our glider and she told me they were done!! I met her at Church last night and then sped home (don't tell anyone) so I could get them on that glider and try them out! I'm happy to say that we love them. They are so comfortable and new and clean and I've already spent too much time sitting in her room!
Don't they look great?? I realize it looks like a ""whole lot of brown going on" in this picture but keep in mind, I have lots of accessories to add :) I am very happy with the color and the fabric. It will be great for Ava and maybe a little brother or sister someday!
Oh and did I mention it was comfortable?? Travis found me here when he got home from work today, just day-dreaming and relaxing :)
So of course I made him take a picture too. Can't you just picture him holding our sweet little Ava, wrapped up in a soft pink blanket?? That is the image I will be focusing on when I'm in the middle of labor :)
Thanks Susan!! They are beautiful.
On a totally unrelated note, thanks to all of you who are new and leaving me fun comments. I love it when people come out of hiding and introduce themselves :) I've gotten some great emails lately and I have appreciated so many of your kind words. I realize that baby mania has taken over this blog lately, but if I'm honest, it's also completely taken over my life! I was telling a friend that it's felt really hard not to be very, very selfish at this stage in pregnancy. It seems that with every day a new level of discomfort sets in and frankly it's hard not to be consumed by it. But for everything there is a season and I know that right now I do need to give my best to Ava, for her sake. So, soon my tales of pregnancy will be over and we'll be embarking on a whole new adventure. But I have appreciated all the support and encouragement you have given us along the way. You have made this journey very sweet and Travis and I are so grateful for the many, many people like you, who have prayed for us and for our daughter. How do we repay that? I never expected this blog to take on a life of its own, but it has and now I see how the Lord is using our story and our life to minister to some of you. Your emails always thrill me and I consider it a privilege to pray for those of you who ask me to.
We are by no means perfect, nor have we figured it all out :) But if there is one thing we know, it's that people matter. Relationships are worth it. I really have loved getting to know so many of you in blog land. Thanks for hanging in there with me and sharing your excitement over every cushion, outfit, diaper bag and belly shot! You guys are the best....
I love seeing you sitting in that glider!! I love the cushions and can't wait to see you guys holding AVA in there like you said! Hang in there, Steph! You are nearing the pregnancy finish line...CONGRATS! I have loved sharing your journey with you and you always encourage me SO MUCH! You believed God for Ava long before you ever got that positive test-and it gave so many of us so much hope to see your faith! Thanks for sharing your life and your journey with us!
Have a great weekend!
enjoy your "selfish" time its natures way of preparing you to have NOTHING be about you for the next 18 years :)
Ava's room is so sweet! You did a wonderful job! Just make sure to wash everything soon! Your on your final count down and that COULD mean any day and you want everything washed for her. Bedding, ALL the blankies, clothes. Just an FYI from a mom:)
Oh goodness - you'll be spending lots of time right there, I'm sure... what a nice, comfy, serene looking place...
Can you believe you are on official countdown now?? it's going to fly!!!
BTW - I'm putting a little something in the mail for you Saturday so hopefully it'll get there in a few days!
HUGS to you & baby Ava!
The room looks so beautiful!! I LOVE IT!!
I remember 30 days from my due date with Emily so well! We attended Dave and Julie's wedding, I would have loved to have worn my pj's to that wedding! I'll never forget their anniversary! And being the first born that Em is, my water broke on her due date!! (she missed it by 2 1/2 hours). Anyway, so fun that you are in the home stretch. We can't wait!! LOVE the cushions!! Susan did a great job. And I can't wait to see the pic's of you w/Ava in that chair. Enjoy every moment.
love, Jenny
Ava's room is beautiful! =]
Don't worry about talking too much about your pregnancy, I think I speak for most of us and we all enjoy it. Can't wait to "meet" Ava! And the cushions look awesome!
you and trav look good in your beautiful new rocking chair! now all i want to see in that chair with you is AVA PAGE!!
I am a new reader to your blog and wanted to say that your nursery is beautiful! Do you know what the color of the walls is? I love it!
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