I decided to jump on Kelly's linky list and do a recession fashion post too! I actually have always shopped as if we're in a recession :) We've never had a huge clothing budget and I love a great deal, so that's been just fine with me! I tried to think of my favorite places for bargains and sales and where I get most of my clothes. I am definitely a girl who errors on the side of being very basic, conservative, timeless with my clothes. I do however have a wild side when it comes to shoes and accessories!! Most of my wardrobe is black, white, brown, gray and denim. I get lots of color from jewelry, purses and shoes. I do have a few places that I buy trendy things, but for the most part, I like to stick to things that I know will last season after season, regardless of what's "in." And I never, ever pay full price!! Well, almost never :) I am a sale and clearance kind of girl.
So, here we go!!
1. My favorite place to go is always Target. I "heart" them. I love Target for basics like long/short sleeved t's; skirts; pants; swim wear; and shoes. So many of my fun shoes are from Target, especially their summer flip-flops. If I see something I like, I always wait because in just a couple of weeks, you can guarantee it will be on sale Those little, red clearance stickers give me a natural high! You can find the best deals when you shop at the end of a season (like now, 50-75% off) or on Tuesdays, when they mark stuff down. I have also purchased stuff from them online, but since I live in Target headquarter land, there is a store on just about every corner! I do not have a Target card however, simply because I am not mature enough for one. It would be like giving crack to an addict :) I fully appreciate every salesperson who tries to sell me one, but trust me, it would be my downfall.

4. When I'm looking for shoes that I need to last, in other words with great quality, I shop at DSW. They have tons of shoes and really great prices too. I am a rewards member, which is a free thing, and they send me so many coupons in the mail, I can hardly keep up! I also love their clearance racks in the back. You have to buy from those racks off season, but you can find some really good buys. Here is a coupon I found on their website today. Try it!

5. My latest place to find clothes at a great price is Kohl's. You know, the store that always seems to have "the biggest sale of they year" every single week! I really like their Apt. 9 line, which is pictured below. I think that top and those jeans are darling and very "me." I would add some bright colored shoes and big earrings with a chunky bracelet :) Kind of makes me long for a "normal" body seeing this....
This is a place where I would highly recommend getting a charge card. They send so many coupons that you can use in addition to their already marked down prices. I never buy something at Kohl's without a coupon in hand. And they are great about returns. I don't buy too much else here, but I have been pleasantly surprised with how many cute outfits I've found at Kohl's.
6. Finally, the store that Travis and I get in the most trouble at is American Eagle Outfitters. We get 90% of his clothes here and I have been really happy with the quality. I LOVE their jeans. They send coupons every now and then, but if you watch their store regularly, they do have pretty decent sales. We love this store. It's getting too young and too trendy for me, but they always have some great outerwear stuff and lounging clothes for me. I also happen to love their aerie line, which has very comfortable underwear! Sorry if that's TMI, but I'm just throwing it out there in case you are looking. Lately, I have lived in their yoga pants. They have been great through my pregnancy and I plan on stocking up postpartum. I found this cute hoodie for $15 on the website and the fold-over pants for $20. Remember, we live in a student ministry world, so we're trying our best to stay "hip"!! This store has been our greatest help :)

My final recession shopping tip is this: If you ever feel a hint of doubt about whether or not you need something, don't buy it!! Travis has been really good at helping me sleep on something for 24 hours when I'm questioning it. Usually, just removing myself from the store helps take away any feelings that I "need" something, but when I've slept on it and still can't get it out of my mind, then I know it's a good deal and I go back for it. If it's still there, great, and if it's not, life goes on!! I am not a lover of clothes, I would rather shop for my house, but I do like knowing that I've made an effort to save us money. However, I would be foolish to not say that in the grand scheme of life, clothes do not make the person!! It just doesn't matter where you get your stuff because it's all stuff and it won't make you happy. In addition to these fun stores, I am also a consignment store and garage sale shopper! And I have no shame in saying that :) It is important to live within your means and to never make fashion some kind of idol. So although this is a fun post to write, please don't let it become a stumbling block! I'm no fashionista and no expert. I just love a good deal. Happy shopping!!
I'm super jealous you live near a H&M! I love that store but there is no one anywhere close to us in Arkansas. :-) Have to wait for my next trip to NYC whenever that will be!
You are getting close to having that baby!!!!!! Are you so excited???
I love all your fashion hints! I love Target, too, and I have a card!!! What am I thinking?!?!? :)
Great post! I love all of those places too, but have only been to H&M while in Boston...we don't have one here.
I love what you said in your last paragraph...so true!
Thanks for all the great shopping info for all of us on a budget!!
Stopping by from Kelly's Korner, Great ideas, congrats on your pregnancy! Not much longer now. Too exciting!
It is so nice living in MN because of the Mall of America! I have not been to H&M though and it has been a long time since I have been to forever 21! I am going to have to hit those places up for some new summer stuff :)
Kohls is like my favorite store ever! We have one in Naples now and it nearly gets me in trouble often. lol But I love the Apt. 9 and Sonoma brands. I just bought a bunch of stuff online with some birthday money-one thing being shoes I saw in store but not in my size, they were regular $50 on sale for $25! Plus a trench coat on sale for only $20.
Anyways, the Goodwill in Estero actually has some really great stuff too so if you get them at a good time you'll even get an additional discount off their already dirt cheap prices on name brands like Liz Claiborne or Ralph Lauren! I love FL :)
Just popping in from Kelly's blog...I too am a HUGE Target shopper. The excitement I get from seeing the little orange stickers is just pathetic! I love your tip at the end about "sleeping on it"...it's something that I've had to learn how to do, but it's paid off!
Everything is super expensive here and we rarely buy clothes in this country. We try to do most of our shopping when we're in the states. (Gotta love Kohls-is anything ever full price there??) Not alot of sales here and rarely coupons for anything, including groceries. But...H&M is the one place I feel like we get a little bargain. And, they are everywhere-I was in a ginormous H&M just this week.
Target..sigh...I miss Target.
How adorably cute is that baby outfit?!! Oh my stars, I am lovin' me some baby clothes right now!1 =)
So where is the Mall of America? Is it close to Rochester? Ya know since we'll be there this week and all =0)
I love Kohls and Target, oh get out of town -- be still my heart -- I could go on and on........
Hope you have a Blessed day and Thanks for all the tips,
Did you know that Target has what is called a Check Card? It works like a debit card and it takes the money directly out of your checking account. It shows up as a preauthorized withdrawal. The benefit to that is you'll earn the points like the Target credit card and get a 10% savings coupon for every $1000 you spend and you can designate a school for the Take Charge of Education program as well. I work at Target and we get a 10% discount, so combine that with the extra 10% is wonderful.
I love Target & Kohls too. Everyone should have a Kohl's card just for the discounts! I pay it off every month so no finance charges... & have saved literally HUNDREDS with the percentages off!!!
I also LOVE Old Navy!!! They have great sales all the time... right now, I just got an email for 30% off the entire order... how do you not love that?
I LOVE that black chunky sweater!!! I sooo wish we had an H&M... alas its times like these when I realize how backward my city really is!
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