I have been home so much lately, off my feet, trying to rest but I desperately needed a change of scenery today. I am so thankful that we live only 2 minutes from a Caribou and my beloved Target. They are the only stops I plan to make today :) Anyway, without further delay...
3. I have TONS of Ava updates for you, the first of which is pictured below:
1. The first item on my misc. list, is to ask you to please pray for my sister Stacie. She called me on Saturday to tell me that she broke out into hives when she woke up. We had a good laugh about that, since we've both fallen prey to hives before and know the joy they bring, but we didn't think much of it. On Sunday, she ended up in urgent care because they were 10 times worse, covering every square inch of her body. As it turns out, they think she had a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic she was on for a sinus infection she's had. She's never had this problem before, but often these things get very bad and even a little scary, in order to know something is wrong. Anyway, they were pretty concerned about her and gave her a shot and 3 antibiotics to try yesterday. Well she woke up today and wasn't any better, so as far as I know this minute, she's back at Urgent Care again today. Will you please pray for her? She and her husband Jesse live in North Carolina, which is killing all of us who can't be there to help. I will update you with the latest info I get, but I would love it if you would hop over to her blog and leave her a comment. She is pretty rattled by this. It's frustrating/uncomfortable/scary to feel fine one day and then have your world shaken up the next. I would love for her to know she's being covered in prayer today. Your comment will go straight to her email. Thank you....
2. We hit 35 weeks this weekend! I officially feel overwhelmed. Only 5 weeks until my due date. 5!! I am nervous/excited/ready/anxious/ and READY TO BE DONE all wrapped up in one bundle of emotion. I broke out another dress yesterday, thinking it would be so comfortable, as opposed to my pants that continue to squeeze the life out of my thighs, but once I got all the "gear" on underneath, and my knee high boots (that wouldn't totally zip up anymore??) I think comfort was officially out the window. Yes, I sat on the edge of our bed yesterday, pulling and tugging at the zipper on my boots, trying to get it to zip up that last 1/4 inch, but apparently my calves had other plans. Beautiful. Even my footwear is refusing to cooperate now.
Anyway, I made it, although I was completely breathless when I finally reached my seat in the service. We attend a large church, with a massive parking lot, that is always crowded when I'm habitually running late! Because my darling husband is a Pastor there, I have no help or hope of being dropped off. He gets there at 6 am and is busy with people until we leave. I usually fight the urge to cry/yell at someone (that seems to be a bad idea as I'm about to attend Church) when I realize week after week how far away I have to park. The leadership of our Church had a gracious idea to create a tot lot for expectant mothers and families with children under 3, but those spaces are like the promised land on a Sunday morning. Visible, but impossible to cross into. Anyway, I eventually made it and I'll stop complaining about it now, until next Sunday, at 10:20am, when I'm doing the same thing all over again. In the cold. With howling winds. And my arms full of stuff. Oh and with the lung capacity of a small animal. Good thing I love the Lord and our Church, because after writing that, I hardly see a reason to go anymore!!
4. I heard from the gal who is recovering my cushions on our glider last week and they are almost done!! I can't wait. In the mean time I have been stacking all the sweet, soft blankets Ava has been given on the chair. It is killing me not to rock in that chair, holding those blankets and dreaming about my baby :) But, the countdown is on and I know my day is coming.
4. My sweet friend Sarah gave us the best gift this week. I have been looking for a little Bible story book for Ava lately, but I haven't been able to find one that I liked. Until now. Sarah gave us this sweet Bible storybook that is just perfect. It is well written and just what we were looking for. I believe they also make a boy version, that Sarah and Jed used for their son. I've been thinking so much lately about my responsibility to teach Ava about the Lord and instill a love for His Word in her heart. It's never too early or too late to start... Travis looked at it this weekend and loved it too. His Pastor heart can't wait to pour into his little girl either :)
Hey steph. we're praying for stace. Just wanted you to know dave started a blog!
OOOHHH! This post just made me so happy! I have been "nesting" in my little girl's room, too, and it is so delightful! God DOES give us wonderful things, doesn't he! I love all of Ava's goodies! Those blankets make me want to grab one and get in that chair, too!!! Oh, enjoy these last couple of weeks, Steph! She will be here in your arms so soon!!! (And that's when I'll start freaking out b/c you are just 6 weeks ahead of ME!!!! Whoa....
you look SO cute!
Tate has that same Bible(boy addition) and we love it!
is that bag by Kalencomm? I have one like it with different coloring!
I wish I was still in my nesting phase, my house is a wreck and I have no clue when I'll get around to cleaning again :)
also, i will be praying for stacie...
Look at all those shoes!!!! And all those clothes! This girl aint going to hurting for fashion - is she? Just as every little girl should be!!!
I still adore that lamp!!!
And will definitely be praying for your sister!!! That had to be scary!
thanks Steph. Love all the pictures of Ava's stuff too :) Its coming so soooooon!! I can't wait :)
Hi Steph and Trav - love all the new Ava prizes! She is already a lucky little princess! God has given her the best parents in the world - I would say that is the best present of all! I miss you all and wish I could spend the weekend with you - washing and sorting. I'm praying for Stacie. What a frightening reaction - you need your MOM when that happens! You look wonderful in your new dress Steph! Love and Hugs, Pam
I saw your post to MckMama, and wanted to give you my 2 cents in case you're interested. I have tried a TON of wraps/slings because I am a pediatric/pregnancy chiropractor and just had my first baby 4 months ago. My 2 favorites are the Moby wrap and the Karma Baby sling. I use the Karma baby for fast errands, but LOVE my Moby the best (it goes over both shoulders and takes a little longer to put on). Hope that helps; congrats on your baby- it's the BEST, you are going to love it :)
You know, I read every blog entry of yours and just forget to comment all too often!
First of all, the nursery looks adorable! Can't wait to see the finished product being modeled by Miss Ava Page!
Secondly, the shoes become even more of an issue once she actually starts walking. I have managed to keep Reagan to only 4 pairs this winter! I think I should win an award for this. But those tiny baby shoes are practically criminal because they are so so cute.
Thirdly, I hear your boot pain and I empathize.
And lastly, don't feel too bad about your fall. I am so glad you are okay! But I often somehow forget I'm pregnant and try to do things I could do before - like skip stairs when I run up the stairs. That doesn't work with a baby belly. Sigh.
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