

Carter's Big Trip Home

On Thursday, it was time to take our sweet little guy home!  
Travis was more than ready to leave, Me...not so much :) But, we had to face reality sooner than later and Thursday seemed like a great day to do it!  It is absolutely, unseasonably warm here and we are having an incredible fall.  We got to bring Carter home on a beautiful, sunny, 67 degree day!
Some snuggles with Daddy 
So grateful for my little boy...
...already can't imagine life without him.
We passed all of our tests, finished all the paperwork and now it was time to get dressed!
Is there anything more precious than tiny, fleece infant socks??
Well, maybe the baby wearing the infant socks :) 
Um, are you kidding me???
Hello, Handsome.
Where have you been all my life???
I have to tell you, I am loving all of this blue in my life!  It makes for some sweet pictures :)  
By the grace of God, we timed our exit perfectly and got a full, content and sleepy little boy to take home!
I. Love. These. Boys. With. All. My. Heart.
Yummy in every way.
All strapped in and ready to face the outside world!
It wasn't too long ago that I took this same picture, of Trav carrying his little girl home.  Now we get to do it again, only this time that carseat is full of "blue" instead of "pink"!  
So thankful we are getting to experience the world of little boys and girls :) 
Clicked into the car seat base and ready to go... Target of course!  
We had to make a little detour and pick up all the things we didn't get to before Carter was born, in addition to pain meds for me.
Carter, you were a charmer!  Everyone who caught a glimpse of you in that seat, ooh-ed and ahh-ed over how cute you were!  We couldn't even be humble about WERE so stinkin cute!!
But eventually we made it home!
And welcomed you to your new world.  It was gloriously quiet.  Your sister and the dog are still at Grandma's and Grandpa's, so you got some sweet one on one time with Daddy and I.  
It was a nice way to start our new chapter together :) 
We came home to several packages for you and these gorgeous flowers from the staff at Church, where your Daddy works.  Aren't they beautiful??  
After we got unloaded, we spent some time just relaxing and getting you settled in.  
Welcome Home Carter!!  
We've been anxiously awaiting your arrival for awhile.  
What a blessing to finally have you here with us!
You have a place here and always will.  
We love you buddy!