So occasionally it hits me, that along with the pregnancy and the eminent arrival of this baby, we're about to embark upon one of the hardest journeys in the world: Parenting. We sat through one of the best sermons today on that very topic and while it was incredibly inspiring and dead-on in truth, it was a little sobering. Good sobering, but sobering none the less. I sat there soaking up the teaching from Deuteronomy 6, taking notes faster than I could write, and I kept thinking, "are we ready for this?" Now I realize that like most things, you're never totally "ready" for anything, but I found myself making a mental list of things I need to work on, so that one day my little one can look back on his/her childhood the same way I look back on mine. I seriously don't think I've heard a better sermon on being a parent. I say that because rather than a list of "7 ways to do this" or "10 things you should never do", this was a verse by verse exposition on exactly what God has to say about it. And you know what, His standards are high! We left very challenged to start thinking about how we are going to raise this baby to love and know Jesus. We can make a plan and come up with a "program" but ultimately, they will model what we model and they will get a passion for what we have a passion for. We are going to be the only parents they'll have and no one else will share that responsibility but us! Not the Church, not their teachers, not the school system, not the government. We'll stand accountable for how we raised them. Whew! That's a big job. Praise be to the Lord that He has not left us alone to do it! There is nothing He's asked of us that He won't equip us for. As much as this whole parenting thing sometimes freaks me out, I love that I can rest in the knowledge that He will walk us through each season and every stage and He will provide all the help we need. Even now. So, let me challenge you to get out Deuteronomy 6 and read it again for a little refresher! Our kids and their futures mean too much not to.
Now, speaking of parents, let me tell you just how great mine are! Yesterday, while my Travy was gone on a 100 mile bike ride, (yes I did say 100 miles), I had a little breakdown. I was home, feeling gross, looking at the disaster that is my house right now, and I couldn't take it. I was hungry, so incapable of cooking or even going to the grocery store, and finally tired of spaghetti o's, so I did the only thing I knew to do. I called my Mom and begged her to come over! Now she lives in Iowa and we live in Minnesota, so I knew that probably wasn't going to happen that afternoon, but I asked her anyway. I told her how I longed for her to make me some food and help me put this house back together and as only a good Mother would, she caved and said she'd come! Next weekend. Then she asked me what I wanted to eat, and I started listing all my favorite things! YEAHH!! Both she and my Dad are coming to stay with Ryley while we're at JH Fall retreat, and they're going to fill my fridge and probably do other things around my house that I haven't had the energy to get to. And we're all thrilled, even Ryley! Because they're the best. I'll get to come home a day early from the retreat so I can see them for awhile and so I can start diving in to my favorite home cooked meals!! On my way home from Church today, my Mom called and she told me that she made her menus and they went to the grocery store yesterday and already bought way too many groceries so that she can start cooking the minute they get here! Of course I felt a little bad about asking her to come "work" for me, but then I thought about what a blessing she's about to give me, and I thanked her. And then I made a mental note, "Cook for my kids someday when they are pregnant!" Then I'll tell them how much I loved it when their Grandma did that for me! So, in honor of our great parenting sermon today, Mom and Dad, thanks for being the best parents I could ever ask for...both in childhood and adulthood. You've left us a legacy to aspire to and Your daughter, son-in-law, grand-dog, and future grandchild thank you!! Our stomachs are rumbling in anticipation!!
I wish my mommy could come visit me while you guys are on junior high retreat! I'm going to need to find some new things to do!
I so LOVE your blog and sharing in this WONDERFUL news!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! Having a child is a HUGE but best responsibility you will ever get in life. It sounds like you have had great examples in your own life as well.
Those outfits and books and owl ~~~ too cute ~~ Enjoy every moment of this experience. Looking forward to hearing more!! Have a GREAT day,
I so LOVE your blog and sharing in this WONDERFUL news!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! Having a child is a HUGE but best responsibility you will ever get in life. It sounds like you have had great examples in your own life as well.
Those outfits and books and owl ~~~ too cute ~~ Enjoy every moment of this experience. Looking forward to hearing more!! Have a GREAT day,
is there a place online to listen to that sermon>?
Stephanie- That sounds like a great sermon. I am going to read that Chapter tonight.
I am so glad you will get some of your mom's cooking! There's nothing like that, is there?
You have really brought me to my knees before God as I read your story. I admire so much how you trusted Him and walked with Him through your journey. I wrote today on my blog about something you said that has brought me to some serious thought. Check it out if you get a chance and then let me know if you have any encouragements! :)
You and Travis are going to be wonderful parents, I have no doubt! So glad your mom and dad are coming to help out with things around the house. There's nothing like having your momma when you're not feeling good!
P.S. Love the pic of Ryley that you added to the blog!
Sounds like you have such a sweet mom. :)
Awwww....such a sweet mom and dad! I am so excited that your mother is going to be able to come help you and I know she is JUST as excited! You will have to share some of her "goodies" with all of us!
I'm excited I found your blog! I'm a junior High Youth leader at my church so I'm always excited to find people who also enjoy working with this age!
Congratulations on your new arrival! How exciting! cant wait to follow your journey!
I just recently came across your blog. Infertility is such an emotional ride. My husband and I had our miracles 8 months ago. Yes, we have twins!!!!!! Being a mom is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy. Keep the updates coming!
Hi Steph and Travis! I sent you guys an emaillast Sunday maybe on an old account that I had from when you lived in Shakopee. Anyway, I ran into Kimberly Johnson who told me the cat was out of the bag! Wow, I had no idea you two were going through this but Praise the LOrd a new little life is on his/her way!! Congratulations!!!!! We are so excited for you! Keep us posted! Love Cheryl Helget
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