We left this weekend for Covenant Pines Camp in northern Minnesota and took our junior highers with us. It's always a little colder the farther north we go, but unfortunately it was also rainy. We got in on Friday night and Travis and the kids came back tonight. I stayed one night and came back Saturday night, with a few kids that participated in our Peru recap service today. As always, we had crazy games planned, gross crowd breakers, and sweet teaching times together. Jason, our high school Pastor spoke to the kids, and next weekend Travis will speak at the high school retreat. It was a fun weekend, we talked about unity and how important it is for the body of Christ to be one. It was a timely message for our students, but also one that was convicting for me to hear as well. Jesus made it very clear that He wants His body to be unified for His glory, but we often fall so short of unity in our churches. So, anyway, we challenged the kids to start with themselves and change that.
One of the other reasons I came home early this weekend, was to see my parents, who were staying at our house, cooking for me!! They drove up Friday night and left this afternoon, but not without blessing our socks off!! Would you like to know what my Mom did for me?? Here's the "short" list of what's in my freezer:
-2, 8x8 pans of Chicken Divan
-1, 9x13 pan of Poppy Seed Chicken
-2, containers of Vegetable Beef Soup
-2, 8x8 pans of Green Bean Casserole
-2, 8x8 pans of Frozen Fruit Salad
-4, 1# pkgs of frozen, browned hamburger
-1, pkg of frozen chicken for Javanese
-1, pkg of cooked, shredded chicken for Wild Rice Soup
-1, 9x13 pan of Chicken Enchiladas
-plus all the toppings and fixings that go with each meal
As if that wasn't enough, when I came home at midnight last night, there were 2 loaves of freshly baked Chocolate-Chip Pumpkin Bread waiting!! Isn't she the best?? I swear she didn't sit down at all yesterday, she just kept cooking and cooking. We are SOOOOO grateful and so thrilled! I have the enchiladas in the oven right now and I can't wait to dig in to them!! Not only did they cook for me, but they also brought us some baby gifts and some gifts for me. THEN, after we went to Church this morning, we met my cousins for lunch at the mall, and we went to Old Navy, and my parents bought me tons of maternity clothes!!! YEAH!!! I have been struggling to fit into so many of my pants and shirts lately, so I am very excited to be wearing things that are comfortable and stretchy!! Yes, who knew I'd love stretchy pants again?? I found some great jeans there and lots of fun tops. I'll take pictures of everything when I get a minute this week.
So, after that great, action-packed weekend, I am waiting for Travis to get home so we can just CHILL and recover tonight. Hope you had a great weekend too! I have to go, the timer for my enchiladas is beeping!!! I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!
My Sweet Mom, before she left today, after her marathon cooking weekend in my kitchen!
My Dad and I, thrilled that our team won this weekend! Iowa beat Iowa State, 17-5, and that win made our weekend!!
I think they should win an award for "Best Parents Ever!"
Ryley and his Grandpa...best buddies! They are going fishing next week together, with Trav too, to Canada!
What would a retreat be without a gross crowd breaker? This is my second cousin Emily and her partner Ryan, who won this contest. Emily had to stand across from Ryan and spit cheerios onto Ryan's face, which was covered in peanut butter. Totally gross, but very funny!
Travis and I, exhausted at this point, at our Fall Retreat...one of us is more exhausted than the other!
Cutest Youth Pastor I know! He didn't pay me to say that either.
Our group of kids, after playing games in the pouring rain for 2 hours!
Notice the staff, under the overhang, watching the kids! I was one of them by the way!
We really had bad weather all weekend, lots of rain and cold temps, but the kids made the most of it and had fun anyway!
One of their favorite games involves this huge ball, named the "death ball" which the kids push around and bounce off of...I can hardly watch it however, because of the collisions I've witnessed and the force at which you bounce off that ball. Travis loves it but I do not! You can see whose opinion won out!!
Steph, I am so jealous of your mom. Can she be hired when I have my next child (seriously) :) I am so glad that you got blessed by them in many, many, ways, I can't wait to see your baby stuff and maternity stuff, it is such a fun time of life!
WOW!! Your mom ROCKS, my girl!!
How much fun!! I hope I can bless my (future) DIL (whomever that may be) as much as your mom blesses you. What a GREAT opportunity for her. Have fun eating all that food.
You look so cute exhausted :0)
Have a GREAT week, Dawn
Wow girl, you are set!! I am so hungry reading over the list of all that yummy food your mom made for you. What a blessing!
Hope you are recovering from your busyness and feeling good!
Oh. My. Word. I am SO jealous of that freezer! That is SUCH a blessing..and then the shopping, too? Supermom, indeed!
Praying for you today!
Isn't it funny how the kids do seem so shy & reserved when they come into Jr. High - but by the time they leave for Sr. High - they are bold, loud & have no reservations about anything? I love to watch that change in them! Looks like you all have a great jr. high group!!
um, YUM! my mouth is watering!!! what a true blessing from your parents! i'm so glad you were able to come home early and spend some time with them!!! praying for you, sweet friend!!
WOW I'm coming to YOUR house to eat! Sounds like you have some pretty amazing parents! Hope you're feeling good.
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