Guess who took her first trip to Iowa yesterday???

Yep, this little cutie made her first visit to Grammy and Grampy's house and she did it in style :) Well, actually, she slept 90 % of the time (thank you Jesus) and she only wore her sunglasses for the last 2 minutes, but she arrived in style!! You better believe she's been kissed, held and cuddled every minute since we got here. I will post some more pictures later today or tomorrow. Last night we went to a baby shower for the two of us, hosted by some dear friends from my childhood. It was a wonderful and very sweet night :) This morning we are headed to visit my best friend Amber and her two little girls (and Ava's future friends). It's so nice to be out of my house and in a new environment for a the long weekend! And of course to have Daddy and lots of family and friends to play with all day :)

Hope you have a wonderful Friday!!
Very Very Stylin and Cute!! Hope you have a great weekend!
her future's so bright - she's gotta wear shades :-)
MAJOR throw back to the 80's on that comment!
What a cutie patootie!!! Shes a.dor.a.ble!! Have a great Memorial Weekend!
It was a lot of fun seeing you and Ava last night. It has been so long, too long actually. She is even more adorable in person!
She looks so glamorous!!
Super cute!
Enjoy your time with your family!
Haha I just read RJ's quote ~~ takes me back =)
She is so adorable ~~ I mean really, do they get any cuter than that?!!
Have a Blessed weekend,
Those pictures are just too adorable! Have fun with your family : )
Oh.My.Word! She is absolutely adorable! I know her Grammy and Grampy must have been tickled to see her! Glad you had a safe trip!
She's just beautiful, Stephanie!
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