Ava Page is the size of a jicama now (like I know what that is??). She weighs about 3.75 lbs and is 16.75" long.

I am happy to report that we are now in the middle of our 32nd week already!! Yesterday I went to the doctor and all seems to be well with Miss Ava :) She is getting so active and starting to really kick me in tender places, like my ribs for example. The other day I was reading in a chair in our room, and all of the sudden I felt this sharp pain on my right side. I reached down and I swear I could grab the heal of her little foot! It was so crazy...I tried to hold it, but she moved it and then kicked me all down my right side, that little stinker! I am getting so excited for her to be here. It seems so close now, I know these next 7 1/2 weeks will go very quickly...until the end. That last week will probably be the longest of my life, right??
I am making lots of progress now on her nursery. We just got pictures last night of her crib from Trav's uncle Ron. I am soooo in love with it!! It's just gorgeous and better than I imagined when we designed it. It's all built now and will be painted/sealed in a week or so, then it will be shipped here!! I can't wait. I will share some pictures soon, but I'm waiting for the finished product to show you. Today I am headed out to choose some fabric for her glider. I'm hoping to find something and buy it so I can drop the cushions off tonight with the sweet gal who is re-covering them. We are hoping to get her changing table here this weekend. It's all ready for us to pick up, we just have to use a bigger vehicle to get it in. I LOVE it and know it's going to look great in there. We are still hoping to find an area rug and some kind of closet system to maximize the space in there. I also have high hopes of finding some artwork and accessories for the room, but that can wait a little while...it's so fun to get to this point!! I am longing for the day when her nursery is done and I'm rocking with her in my arms....
Cant wait to see the nursery all finished!! And little Ava in it!!! I cant believe you are down to under 2 months... amazing!
How exciting!!! It is really getting close!! It will be so fun to see Ava's nursery. You are such a doll.
Have a Blessed day sweet one,
Oh I hope she lays off the ribs! Mine bruised two of mine! My doctor said that was nothing - she's had patients with broken ribs! YIKES!
YEAH! Can't wait to see the crib and changing table! I am just like you...love dreaming about her room and can't wait for the day that I am sitting in it rocking my sweet baby girl. God is good!
You are getting CLOSE!
Hi, I found your blog by googling 'due April 12th'. Very cute. Just thought I'd drop a note because it's fun to be at exactly the same stage (bump + all that emotional fun) on opposite sides of the planet.
I live in Malaysia, my first daughter, Iva, was born two years ago, and I am expecting my second daughter, Nina, for April 12th.
Good luck!
I can't believe how close the time is coming!! The doctors have moved my due date up to April 4th. Since I am having a c-section they say it will be scheduled around 39 weeks. I can't believe the time is so close and the nursery is no where close to being done. I had a growth ultrasound this week and they are predicting that she will be around 8 to 8 1/2 pounds. I can't believe that at all. Micah was only 7 lbs and 1 oz. Can't wait to see your nursery all completed!!
jicama looks like white carrot shreds and has pretty much no flavor,lol...i have only seen it on salad bars......
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