I am happy to say that I am finally feeling rested on this Monday morning, after a good night's sleep....something that has evaded me for the last week. I have been so tired lately because I am now finding it so difficult to sleep. But, last night I managed to get a great stretch of really good sleep and it's amazing how much better I feel. So, on to to a list of misc. things on my mind this Monday...
#1- Well it's official, I'm now 30 weeks along and Ava is about the size of this squash below or a head of cabbage. She's over 15 inches long and between 2.5-3.5 lbs. 30 weeks means that actually I only have 6-7 weeks left until I'm considered full term!! However, because she's my first, I'm expecting her to stay in there until at least 40 weeks, if not more, so I'm counting down the next 10 weeks until she makes her long anticipated debut :) Isn't this crazy how quickly this is happening??

The good news is, because of my discomfort (along with raging heartburn and indigestion) I've turned a corner in my mind. No longer am I trying to slow this train down out of fear of delivery, now I'm looking forward to it! Well, that might be overstating it a bit, but I'm so ready for some relief that I'm anxious for the end to be in sight!!
#3- We've made some big strides this week in our two baby registries...which I apparently need to devote part-time hours to, just to "manage"! I seriously don't know what I would do if I'd not had these last 5 years of nannying to draw from. The sheer size of Babies R Us and the LIMITLESS choice of products for every thing you can imagine, is EXHAUSTING! And I even know what I want and what I like! I think I would cry if I'd never been in that store before and I had to choose between thousands of products I'd never seen. This was our second trip (and hopefully final trip) to Babies R Us and we spent and hour and a half "editing" and selecting. I knew it was time to go when I found myself standing in the "pack and play" aisle for over 20 minutes, physically sweating over which one to choose!! Time to get out and breathe again!
#4- Although I dug these pictures up from our first trip in October, I'm happy to report that the weather this weekend was much like the conditions pictured here! We actually hit 44 degrees on Saturday and we both thought we'd died and gone to Heaven!! We were out all day with no coats (what a treat) and I was suddenly digging for my flip flops! It was downright tropical here :) God is good to occasionally throw these days of reprieve our way, otherwise I think we might all sink into deep depression! Saturday was the first day we were above freezing since November!!! You should have seen the lines at every car wash in the twin cities....
#4- Finally, in an effort to wrap this up, I'm going to only say that my heart was racing and broken over the Cardinals loss last night. I wanted to cry/swear at the way the game turned out in the final seconds. I'm just going to say it...I hated the Steelers for a few minutes afterwards. I don't hate them today, but I do wish the Cardinals could have held them off!! It was a great game though and a fun one to watch until the bitter end. At least it wasn't a blowout. And there were some great commercials this year, don't you think?
Meanwhile, that baby bump keeps getting bigger and my clothes keep stretching too! Please don't get me wrong, I am truly grateful for every thing I feel, good and bad, because I know it's all a sign of this gift God has given us in sweet little Ava. But, as much as I'm enjoying the privilege of carrying her on the inside, I'm ready to be carrying my baby on the outside soon!
Travis was so great about it, happily using the "gun" to scan things while I marched through the aisles like a drill sergant, barking out orders that sounded something like: "gerber spoons- 3 packs" and "disposable nursing pads- 10 packs." The poor thing, his whole world is being transformed and he's doing his best not to react in pure shock at everything I say and every graphic topic that now comes up regularly!! He also happily accompanied me to Target this week to set up another registry there. That one was a little less painful, until we got to the diaper aisle and the prices started sinking in :) Then I knew he was starting to sweat!! We made it quickly out of there before either one of us had a meltdown! For all of our family members, I put the links on the side bar of the blog so you can find them easier :) I seriously think it was easier to register for our wedding than for the birth of our first child!!
Well, Happy Monday friends! I'm signing off to pay some bills and get my house in shape....Thrilling isn't it??
i'm just going to put this out there....i used walmart/sams brand diapers for both of my children and had no leaks or rashes...i know alot of people shun them but its a huge savings if they work for your childs shape,lol
as for will you someday sleep comfortably...oh yes in about 10 years,lol...
after the baby is born u won't have the same pain but your breasts will be leaking and....well u'll see lol
i don't know how i found your blog, but i have been reading it for a few weeks. and i love the recipes you post! i just wanted to say that you are the most adorable pregnant girl! i just got big all over when i was pregnant w/ my first. but you look beautiful!
Hope your having fun registering! A friend of mine just went for the first time this weekend & she was worn out at the end.... so much to look at!
And yipee - you made it above freezing.. that always feels so good to feel the beginnings of Spring coming!
YOU LOOK GREAT!!! How cute is that baby bump of yours and I'm sure what's in the BB is even cuter!!
So glad your registry items are done. That is a load off!!!
So sad about the Cards but it was a GREAT!! game.
Have a Blessed day,
Steph! Oh my gosh you are getting close! I'm so excited/nervous for you :) We need to talk about me flying out there over my break. This girl cannot be late! :) I hear ya about the game...although I'm not gonna lie...i still have a little hatred left for the steelers. ;)
Yes you will get good sleep again!! Comfortable, restful sleep...in between waking up long after your baby does during the night just to listen for her! I'm on my third pregnancy right now and keep asking my husband, "Did it hurt this much before? Am I usually this big/loud/uncomfortable?" He keeps saying yes. I'm a wierd one to be around right after I have a baby because more than any other pain my body is feeling the feeling of weight missing around my belly is SO GLORIOUS. It's a tough job, but hang in there friend!
Someone recently recommended an odd sounding heartburn cure to me I thought I'd share...PAPAYA. You can get it as a chewable mint at your local health food store. I've been using them for a couple weeks now and the heartburn is totally under control now. I talked to my midwife about it and she said it's one of her favorite secrets.
I can just picture travis in the pack n play aisle! ha! It is really the item we have used the most. Anna still sleeps in it most naps and often at night so they can be in different rooms and during all of our travels!! You look great and I can't imagine your pain. I've never really had it so I can't relate. I know it does feel sooooo good to get in bed every night and I immediately collapse. Enjoy those last 10 weeks!
wow - you are definitely getting close! great photos!
I have to admit you are a very cute preggie, I know that growing baby needing more room makes you sore. Maybe she is riding low, and will thin out your cervix so you don't go past your due date. The majority of babies are born on or before their due date. You stay so busy the time will fly and in no time she will be in the nursery at home kicking up a fuss. Kelly's Korner has become a daily habit of mine and that Harper is the cutest baby! Today's pics are adorable with that hat. Take care, give Travis a hug. Peggy in Utopia
You are looking adorable as usual and you ARE getting close!!! It is so fun to hear about your pregnancy! Hang in there on the sleeping thing!
Steph, I love reading your blog... you're funny and give the honest to god truth about stuff. I love it. -you must have had sisters. ;-) LOL!
Oh Steph, I hear you on the pelvic pain! Wow! It really does feel like you are going to break a bone, doesn't it? I had that MUCH worse with Reagan, but am starting to get it a bit this go-round, too. That goes away, so don't worry! And I'm with Alyce on the diapers - we use generic store brand now and they work just perfectly fine. I do like swaddlers for the first few months - just because they are so soft. But after that, I highly recommend buying the cheapest diapers you can get! I am actually really tempted to go cloth...
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