Well it's a rainy, cloudy day here today and I am passing the time the best way that I know how. I'm sitting in Caribou with a white hot chocolate and a piece of cinnamon coffee cake :) I am consuming more calories than I should be, but it just sounded nice on this drizzly day. It's kind of amazing that we're getting rain actually. Usually it's way too cold for rain, so this is really a treat! While we were in bed last night, the rain was pelting the windows and both Travis and I agreed that we would love to hear a great thunderstorm. Rain seems like such a spring thing, so everyone here is kind of giddy that we're being covered in it!
Anyway, I brought my laptop with me, so I thought I'd share the pictures today that I couldn't yesterday... but before you comment on the following things, I need to know if you are able to view the new background I put on my blog this morning?? It comes up every time on my laptop, but when I looked at it on Trav's computer, there was no background. It was just white. Will let me know if you can see it?? It's lime green and pink. I'm hoping there isn't some kind of technical glitch that I'm not smart enough to fix...

Travis and I have such a fun date night tonight! He won tickets from a guy who has a ministry in the twin cities that connects local area youth pastors. Every now and then he sends out an email offering tickets to some event for youth pastors and their spouses. It's always a lottery to see who gets them and this week it was us! We won tickets to watch the Timberwolves game in a suite that they have reserved. So, although we could not care less about the Timberwolves, we are totally stoked for a free night, in a free suite, with some free food!! The T-wolves are historically terrible, but they've actually had a winning streak lately and have turned things around under their latest coaching move. We did laugh last night however, when we saw on the news that the T-wolves best player just got hurt and is out indefinitely. There go our hopes for a good game! Oh well. We are looking forward to it anyway :)
Here is my 31 week picture...in all its' glory. Do you think I'm carrying her low? That's all I heard this weekend, how low she is. It would explain all my pelvic pain and now the increasing pressure on my tailbone. I'm still so shocked at my ever-growing profile, it's hard to get past the size of my stomach to notice anything else!!
What do you think about this lamp I found?? Isn't it the cutest thing? I found it at my favorite place, Homegoods, and I thought it would be perfect in Ava's room. I put a lightbulb in it last night and turned it on...Kind of made me want to read a book in the glider!
Here is miss Ava's first winter vest! On our way to the retreat, we stopped for a little shopping (of course) and we stumbled upon a big sale at REI. Every little minnesota baby needs a vest and a cute gloves/hat combo :) This will be perfect for her next winter.
I also picked up this great fleece body suit for the same reason. It will be a good warm/lightweight option for the car seat and it was marked down to a great price! I love the little tassel on the hood :)
This is where I went for my big scrapbook weekend, a cabin up north called "Raspberry Ridge."
Here was my work station for the weekend, after I cleaned it up! It never looked like this :)
I was there with 14 other women and we each had a table in the workroom downstairs.
I sat next to my cousin Jenny :) We shared snacks and laughed at each other all weekend!
And this was our view, our friends Sally and Melanie :) It was such a fun weekend. I got a lot done, although I didn't get quite as much done as I'd hoped. I'm still half-way through 2008, but I think I can wrap it up in the next month and start 2009 before Ava gets here...on second thought, I'm not holding my breath...
I can see the cute backround!! Fun pics, great weekend. It was fun sharing it with you. Jenny
Can see the background! Love it! (And cute lamp!)
I can see the background and I'm running Google Chrome!
Have a great day!
I can see the background, too! CUTE! I love your belly pic....you are DARLING! So glad you had fun and got a lot done at your scrapbook weekend! Those winter things for Ava are too cute!
I love your scrapbooking table... looks like something you would thoroughly enjoy and rain is strange for you guys. We are getting a big texas rain storm tonight! I am thinking of doing our baby girls wall in brown as well. I might have to get your color!! Miss you all!
ps- you do look like you are carrying her very low....
I can see the background and it looks GREAT!!!!!
And that lamp, girl get out -- that is adorable!!!!!
I love all the baby clothes. I was in a little shop today and came across some cute little baby girl clothes and thought of you. You may just have to send me your address so Miss Ava can get a little something, something from MO.
You look so cute, and yes she looks low. So sorry you are having a lot of pain. I've been praying for you and will add this to my list. Pain, Pain go away.
Okay so is this the longest comment ever?
Have a Blessed evening,
I love the new background and your nursery looks super cute!
Scrapbooking looks like fun :)
Love the new background!!!
And what a nice area to work on scrapbooks - especially with friends.... & SNACKS!!! YES!
Love that lamp too - very vintage looking!
And that belly is just the cutest!
I love your new background!
When I was in babies r'us yesterday I was looking over those really thick bodysuits that look like that baby couldn't even move or breathe in them, and I wanted to get one but know that it'll never be cold enough for that this year for us(seeing as how we only really have a few more weeks of cold weather) and I just thought about how many winter type outfits Ava is going to have to have! So fun!!
You look just adorable!! I DO think she looks low, which would explain that lovely pain and pressure in the lower back and pelvis! Has it been easier to breathe lately? With the second one, lots of times they don't drop so I still can not breathe! Oh how ready I am for our little girl to be here!
Great background! It's super cute :)
I can see the background and it looks so cute! Love the lamp you found. It will be perfect to read books to your sweet little Ava! You are looking great and I love all the goodies you found for her!
That scrapbook retreat looks like a blast. I love the work space you all had. How fun!
Enjoy your day!
I can see the background and I love it! :) And I think you are very tiny! Yes, there is a bump for Ava but you haven't gained any other weight! You look great! :)
ahahahaha....ok i just need to mention...i saw the picture of raspberry ridge before i read where it was and i was like......wow she really went over board in the babys room,ahahahahah
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