

A Tale of Two Kids

It's been a busy few weeks for the four of us!  As life with our little family has taken shape, so has our social calendar.  It's been great to get back into a routine and to enjoy some time at home together, but it's also been great to get out and do a few things!  
I was cleaning out my memory card tonight and I found some cute pictures that I haven't shared yet, so in no particular order, here are some of the things we've been up to...
Until this past week, the weather here has been unbelievable!  Our Fall has been just beautiful and unseasonably warm.  Before it took a nose dive, I took advantage of a mild afternoon and took my two babies out for a walk, in the world's biggest stroller :) 
Carter was all tucked in and slept the whole time...
...and this little nut was wide eyed, taking everything in.  
That little grin just kills me everytime :) 
A little over a week ago, we got to go to one of the Student Ministry's big events, The Gracies Film Festival.  It's a wonderful event where students spend the weekend with their discipleship groups, writing, directing, filming and editing their own movies for submission in our film festival.  After they turn in their movies, we judge them all and then host a red carpet event to celebrate their hard work!  It's totally fun and the kids and leaders love it.  Every group wins some kind of award, so no one goes home disappointed :) 
We decided to dress up and come out for the red carpet too!  I love this little dress on her :) Ava had a BLAST and walked around with her little snack cup and water cup, hamming it up for anyone and everyone.  Last year she was just starting to crawl, this year I was doing my best to keep my eyes on her while she ran around :) 
This little chunky monkey slept most of the night away :) He did get to make his big debut on stage with his Daddy however, when Trav had to present an award.  He was sleeping in his arms and I was chasing Ava in the back of the worship center, so Trav took him onstage and he made the crowd swoon.  He has the effect on people.  I mean seriously, look at those cheeks!!
Travis was the driver for the "party shuttle" that delivered all the kids to the red carpet and the waiting paparazzi.  Ava was thrilled when he arrived himself, to dance down that carpet :) 
Here is the winning group and their amazingly creative and fun leaders.  They won last year too, and rightly so.  Their film was hilarious.  
Sadly, this is the only picture I have from this past Wednesday night and both Ava and Grace aren't looking, BUT it was such a fun night!  It was a cowboys and chili night in junior high, so Carter, Ava and I put on our western wear (sort of) and joined in on the fun!  Ava had her authentic cowgirl jeans on (with the suede fringe on the sides) and her cute little cowgirl shirt.  She was legit :) The kids were all so cute and the chili we had was great!  In fact, no one liked it more than Ava.  I couldn't believe it, but she gobbled it up and ate an entire bowl of it!  That's good because I love to make chili and we have lots of it in the winter.  Now I know she loves it too!
Yesterday, we braved an ice storm and went to the 3rd hour service at Church.  Carter is growing like such a little weed and I am now putting him in outfits that I thought wouldn't fit him until at least January!  His face is so round and his tummy is too :) He's going to surpass Ava in a few weeks at this rate!!
One of the best changes this week is that Carter is now responding to us with intentional smiles!  He especially smiles for his Daddy, which I think is sweet.  We love to see those grins and even a little dimple every now and then on his right cheek :) 
We are enjoying him so much!
And ***knock on wood*** he's also been giving us longer stretches of sleep for the last week or so!!  His first stretch is anywhere from 5-6 hours, and then his next 3-4, which is heaven sent for two sleepy parents :)  The last few nights have been much better for all of us!
Meanwhile, we seem to have a little escape artist on our hands!
This week, she discovered that she's just tall enough to reach the handle on our front door and when unlocked, pull it open.  
Naturally, this provides endless opportunities for fun!  I've caught her on her way out several times in the last few days, always after one of us has just come in and before we manage to lock the door :) She moves at lightning speed and grabs whatever is in her path to bring with her!  Then she squeals as she walks/runs down the hall! 
However, nothing trumps her favorite activity as of late...trying on shoes.  
All day long and first thing in the morning, Ava has at least one shoe on her foot while looking for another.  They usually end up on the wrong foot, but occasionally she surprises us and gets it right :) There are many variations that are picture worthy, but this one made us laugh out loud this weekend.  
She's nothing if not bold in her fashion choices, wouldn't you say??