Thursday was my last day with my little guys until after Christmas break, so of course that meant it was "present day!" They didn't know that until after Barrett woke up from his nap and Finn got home from school...then they spotted their stack of gifts on the kitchen counter and from that point on, it was torture for them until I let them open them! Ben was at school when we did this, so I didn't get a picture of him. I will miss these little guys for the week I'm off, but it is so nice to have a break too :)

Barrett with his gifts. He kept asking me, "Now Stephie?? Now can I open?? My turn yet??"

And cute little Finn, who was just as excited as Barrett, if not more. He was talking a mile a minute, explaining to Barrett how to open a present, as if ripping it open needs an explanation!

Seriously, am I bad or what? I kept making them take pictures before I let them open them :) This is Barrettt trying to cooperate, but so excited he can't stand it!

Finn wanted to take our picture and he did a good job! Isn't Barrett just the cutest thing??

And of course Barrett had to have a turn too. He didn't do a bad job for being 2 1/2 :) I'm not totally cut off!

And here are some funny junior highers with Travis, at our annual "Wacky, Tacky Christmas Party" on Wednesday night. These are some of the kids who dressed up :)
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