The beautiful tree in my parents house...only gifts with coordinated paper are allowed under this tree :)

This little tree is one of our favorites. It always has our family ornaments on it, the ones we've had for years. It's in our dining room and it held all the gifts we all brought that didn't "match" the big tree! It was brimming with gifts by the time Christmas morning came!

Travy, reading the paper, while we waited for the monkey bread to come out of the oven. Next to Jesus, he's my favorite gift of all time...

Merry Christmas 2008! There is nothing like a photo first thing in the morning :) It's tradition though, so we keep doing it.

Merry Christmas from the Knapps!

The coveted Monkey Bread, a Christmas morning tradition, for as long as I can remember. My Mom has ALWAYS made this for us to eat while we open gifts. Christmas morning would be so sad without it :)

Tigger was dying for a piece and my Mom was dying to give him one! She's the weak link when it comes to feeding the dogs!

Jesse, the monkey bread enthusiast of the family!

My Dad with his stack of gifts...not too bad. I made him change his shirt when he woke up into something more "Christmasy" He's so used to having daughters who ask for things like that :)

Our other annual tradition, a Christmas picture in our jammies! We've taken this exact picture, with the same people, for over 5 years now. When Stacie and Jennie were dating Jesse and Dave, the boyfriends used to sleep in the living room on Christmas eve, so they'd be there for the Christmas morning festivities. Now it's a lot easier because we're all married!

Poor Dave is being a good sport about a camera being in his face just minutes after he got out of bed!

And so it begins...here is the stack of gifts Ava brought in this year!! We laughed because her stack was quite large and she's not even here yet :) I'll have to show you all the adorable things she got...it was a good Christmas for her!

The peeps, waiting for the gift-opening action to begin :)

My Mom and Travy

My first baby, Ryley :)

Waiting to open his gift like a good boy...

Realizing it's something he can put in his mouth...

Welcome "Christmas Frosty" to the army of stuffed animals!

After he was all done, he got on the couch and laid with aunt Stacie for the rest of the morning.

Merry Christmas from The Fergusons!

Merry Christmas from The Brasses!

Our amazing Christmas dinner...which was the highlight of my night!! It was SOOOO GOOD!!!

Living Room Table

Dining Room Table

Ryley and his lamby, always 3 steps behind my Dad!

Stacie and Jesse with Jesse's parents, Jim and Deb. We love spending time with them at Christmas. They gave Ava the most darling outfit, I will post it with the rest of her gifts!

We went to Dave and Jennie's house for dessert on Christmas night.

My Best Christmas Gift :)

The obligatory "sister picture"

The east coast lovebirds

The newlyweds


Jennie and Dave's cute tree

The boys of the family, two of whom are wearing matching shirts!!