Here's what's currently looming over my head:
1. Christmas cards. I've picked up the pictures, but now I have to write the letter, print the letter, stuff the envelopes, get the addresses and buy stamps. And then mail them. Hopefully before Christmas.
2. Christmas shopping. I have one person done. Out of like 20. And lots of out-of-towners who I need to buy and ship gifts to. I guess you know what I'll be doing on Saturday!
3. Centerpieces. I'm doing centerpieces for like 58 tables for our women's christmas brunch next week. Fortunately they are pretty easy, but they're going to require time. And right now that is limited.
4. Decorations. I'm also helping decorate for our big Christmas production at Church on the 18th, which again is not hard and should be fun, but will require even more of my time. And some errands looking for stuff to use. My "days off" are quickly disappearing :)
5. Appointments. Dentist appointment for fillings (oh yeah, should be fun); physical therapy appointments for my back; and another OB appointment at 24 weeks. Lots of waiting rooms in my future.
And add to those things the normal chores like cleaning, laundry, groceries, errands, work, church, a SWEET HUSBAND :) and a baby on the way....
Is is 2009 yet???