Merry Christmas from the Armstrongs! This will be the last year for a family picture with just the two of us :)

The original Ferguson Family. I know my parents were thrilled to have us all home for Christmas again and it is no secret that we were all thrilled to be there. We took these pictures before we went to our midnight Christmas Eve service at my parents Church. We just happened to all "match"...I guess that proves we're family, right ?

The girls, all 5 of us :) Little Ava is making her presence known more and more these days!

Here she is, little miss Ava Page at her first Christmas in Iowa. She is 24 1/2 weeks here.

Christmas Eve fondue, our new tradition since last year. I had to watch this year however, due to some nasty heartburn. I did sneak a cherry in however :)

My sister Jennie, wrapping presents with my aunt Kay and uncle Jim. Nothing like last minute wrapping! We were still up at 1:30 am finishing up!

Stace and Jess and my parents. It was so fun to have them home from North Carolina all week!

The vest couple :) They needed it that night, we got a bunch of snow and it was FREEZING cold!

Post-meal recovery :) Trav was giving me a great foot-rub and trying to feel Ava move. She's been a little stinker lately about that. Just as soon as he puts his hand on my stomach, she stops moving! She's already learning how to play a game with her Daddy I guess :) Do I look like a beached whale here or what??

The girls and Tiggy, passed out from all the fun! Tigger loves Stacie and when she comes home, he wants nothing to do with the rest of us!! He's always in her arms or following her around:)

Jennie and my Mom, laughing about something :) We spent lots of time laughing, so much so, that I actually wet my pants at one point! Oh yeah, I'm not kidding. Oh the wonderful joys of being pregnant!!

Seriously, look at that belly! Ava is getting harder and harder to conceal...notice that I am dressed in stretchy cotton from head to toe :) How I love my stretchy pants these days!!
1 comment:
we do fondue christmas eve also...........good dipping fun.......that pants wetting thing may not go away,lol......i used to vomit and wet my pants...goodtimes :)
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