

So What Are We Having???

                                   WE ARE HAVING A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will share lots of details on Sunday, when I'm not up to my ears in flowers for this wedding!  But, we had our ultrasound today and everything was perfect.  We were THRILLED to discover God has blessed us with a little girl and we are so excited about her we can hardly stand it!  We are so grateful for this little one and we are praising the Lord for her healthy little body.  What a wonderful day today was.  I am so busy trying to get everything done for the wedding, so I haven't had a chance to respond to texts or emails, but I promise I will get to that on Sunday!  Everything is going great with the wedding, I'm very happy with the flowers, but I'll be even happier when it's all over!!  I'm about to hop in bed for an early wake-up call tomorrow, so this is all I'll share tonight, but thank you for praying for our appointment and for my involvement in this wedding.  We are beyond grateful and so excited to be thinking "pink!"  Have a great weekend!!


Michelle said...

Coming out of hiding/lurking to wish you a big Congratulations on baby girl!!!! I have two girls of my own. You will have a blast. Sending prayers to you from Iowa!


Rebecca said...

YAY! Well, I was wrong in my guess, but I am SO excited for you guys! It is a great thing to finally know the sex of the baby and now you can get to know her and pray for her specifically! And SHOP! Fun! Congrats again!

amy said...

Yipee!!!! Girls are SOOO much fun! :) (boys are sweet too, though! ;)) we are so very excited for you guys and praising the Lord for creating a healthy sweet little girl for you and Travis! We love you guys and are praying the next weeks go as smoothly as the first! :)

Jodi said...

Congratulations on the healthy baby girl! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baby GIRL!!! I know you and Travis will be great parents to this little one. Scottie and I will be having a baby girl as well.

Tales of a Peanut said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy! That little girl is so blessed to have such great parents!

Rebecca Jo said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! How fun!! Pink & ribbons & frills to come!

Amanda Hoyt said...

That is so awesome!! You will LOVE your girl - they are so fun - and PINK!!!
Congrats and I'm so glad the ultrasound went perfectly!
Hugs and prayers,

MiMi said...

Congratulations! Praising the Lord with you for a healthy baby girl!

Faith said...

Yay, yay, yay!! I'm still so excited for you guys. She is a precious blessing from the Lord. Love ya, Faith

Jenna said...

Congratulations on your baby girl!!! So exciting!!!

Hope the wedding went well!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Stephanie! A baby girl is so exciting! I am just catching up on blogs now and I had to be sure I sent this to you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know how blessed you are :)

Cari - formerly of Live for Today, now at