We have been non-stop busy for the last 4 days, but I wanted to go back and show you some pictures from our fun weekend. Naturally, we came home from Texas last week to another jam-packed week, but it has been a great one. On Saturday, Travis and I had the privilege of participating in Ellie and Ryan's wedding. It was a special day for us because they are two sweet people in our lives. We've both mentored them individually and now as a couple for the last 3 years. They are also two of our faithful junior high volunteers and we LOVE them!
Here are some pictures from their big day :)

Travis had the honor of officiating at their ceremony and he did a wonderful job.
No, I didn't do the flowers, but I was Ellie's personal attendant, which was also fun and plenty of work in its' own right :) However, her flowers were beautiful, perfect for an August wedding!
Loved the bridesmaids' dresses. Such a cute style and color.
Their wedding party was unique because they both come from big families, so most of their attendants were siblings!
Ellie and her brothers and sisters.
The cute bride and groom!
Ellie was a darling bride.
Her dress was so elegant and simple. She looked stunning in it.
This car belonged to Ryan's Great Grandpa, or something like that :) It was very cool to see.
Because Daddy was the Pastor and I was busy all day helping Ellie, Ava spent the day with my cousin Jenny until they arrived at the wedding too. She wore her new dress and shrug! In 5 minutes it was soaking wet from all her drooling though :)
Travis praying with Ryan before they entered the church.
Ellie and her Dad before the big moment!
Ava was such a good girl! She slept for quite a bit, but when she woke up, she was moving non-stop!
Signing the marriage license.
I love brown on her! Her red hair looks great with these colors :)
Burp rags on Pastors are all the rage at weddings now!
After the meal, Ellie's Mom asked me to speak a little bit at the reception and then we found someone to hold Ava while we danced! It was a fun day for us and were honored to be a part of it. I was very proud of Travy :)

Congratulations Ryan and Ellie!! We're so happy for you!
Glad you had a great weekend. The wedding looked amazing!
Ooh, I love the sunflowers...thats so pretty and a different look.
I just LOVE weddings... I love the picture of Travis praying with the groom... very touching...
& what a beautiful bride!
But I nominate that little red head as the cutest thing of the day! Brown really does look cute on her!
And it wasnt just a burp rag - it was a MONOGRAMMED burp rag... now THAT is all the rage! :)
Those pictures are amazing. I love the dresses and flowers and she was a beautiful bride. Your little gal was quite the showstopper though in her darling dress! She is just so stinkin cute!
Ava is growing so fast and she DOES look good in brown! Hope your week this week will be peaceful and calm.
What a beautiful wedding!!! Such a beautiful bride.
Your right ~~ brown is Ava's color =)
Love you friend,
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