Carter, you are 2 months old!
And what a BIG 2 month old you are!!
In fact, size is the story of your second month :) We knew you were getting bigger and bigger because you were getting heavier and heavier, but our hunch was confirmed when we took you in for your 8 week appt. Here are your (amazing) stats...
-You are officially in the 95th percentile for weight, weighing in at 13lbs. and 7oz!!! That's crazy big Carter! You have grown SIGNIFICANTLY from last month :)
-You are also in the 99th percentile for height! In fact, your doctor told us that you are really the size of a typical 4 1/2 month old! But he wasn't concerned about you at all, he thought you were very healthy and obviously a great eater. And yes, Mommy can certainly attest to that!
-You are wearing a size 1 diaper, but I think it's time to move you up again to a size 2.
-You've totally outgrown every newborn thing you have, in addition to most of your 0-3 mo clothes. You are wearing size 3-6 mo. for the most part. I can't believe it :) In so many ways you are the polar opposite of your sister! She wore her clothes for MONTHS before outgrowing them, but you're averaging a couple of weeks at this rate! I'm doing my best to get clothes on you as fast as I can before you're too big for them! Usually your tummy isn't the problem, it's your long legs and torso. It will be fun to see if you keep this trend up...maybe you're going to be a tall guy??

You've definitely "woken up" from the newborn haze of the first 8 weeks. You are very alert when you're awake and love to stare into our eyes for a long time. Lately you stare at us and then break into a very slow grin. We LOVE it!! I especially love it when you smile at me while I'm nursing you. You're a little heart-breaker already Carter!

In addition to waking up this month, you've also found your voice.
And you are not shy about letting us hear you scream when you are not happy!
I can't believe how loud you are...You're definitely "all boy" in that regard.
Even when you're unhappy Carter, your sister loves you so much. She usually runs over to you and tries to shove a paci in your mouth :) It rarely works for you, but it's so sweet of her. Her little mothering instincts come out and she doesn't like to see you cry. I have a feeling she's going to be your second mother for years to come!
She also loves to be with you when you're happy too! You light up when she's around you, especially when she talks to you. You've started giving her more smiles and I know that makes her happy. One of my favorite memories that I tuck in my heart is when you're laying somewhere and she comes over to you, gets right up in your face and in her best "sing-song" voice says, "Hi Buddy!" It melts my heart to see your relationship start to bloom. Your Daddy and I pray that you'll be the best of friends as you grow up. You are a sweet little brother and you've got a great big sister!
You officially became an Iowa Hawkeye fan this month! You were born in the middle of football season and you've watched lots of games with Daddy and I. You're too little to show much emotion yet, but we know you are cheering for those Hawks already!
I love being your Mommy Carter and I'm so thankful you are my son. I just love how cuddly you are and I'm slow to put you down when you fall asleep in my arms. I know how short this season is and I don't want to miss it! The afternoons are when we get to spend the most "alone" time together and I look forward to it every day. I am doing my best to stretch my time between you and your sister and you have been so sweet to just "go with the flow" most days. I'm hoping that is a glimpse of your personality buddy :)
One of the best developments this month is that you are officially sleeping through the night!!! We typically feed you at 10:30 and lay you down around 11:00 every night. Most nights you wake up again around 6:30 or 7:00 and then we both go back to bed until Ava wakes up. It's wonderful Carter! We are proud of you and OH SO GRATEFUL that you are sleeping so well! We were hoping that would be our Christmas present from you, but you gave us that gift over Thanksgiving break and you haven't looked back since. Way to go Carter!!
Although we mostly call you by your first name, we have started to call you "Carty" and "Car-tu" as well. Ava calls you "Car-tu" and so that naturally rolls off our tongue, but she also calls you "Car-ker" which is cute too. Daddy calls you his little "Sumo" :)
This month you got your first taste of snow! I'm quite certain you had no idea what it was, but because we live in Minnesota, you'll get to used to it really soon.
You looked totally cute in your snowsuit, by the way!
You love your Daddy Carter! He is the one who usually calms you down when you're fussy, because he's willing to walk and walk and walk until you're happy or you fall asleep!
You have a very patient Daddy.
And more than ever, we are starting to think you look SO MUCH like your Daddy! As you get a little bit older, you are really starting to resemble one another.
No wonder I think you're so handsome :)
I got to take you to a Women's Christmas event at Church this month and the ladies thought you were so cute! When your sister was the same age, I got to take her to a women's event too. Both times I just held my sweet babies in my arms and thanked God for the privilege of being a Mom. This is a season of life where you are pretty much attached to me and although it makes for some long days here and there, it's also a season I cherish. I love taking you along with me :)
Carter, you and your sister have changed our lives forever! We can't believe you are 2 months old already and yet, it seems like you've always been a part of our family.
Because Christmas is only a few weeks away, it seems appropriate to tell you that you are the perfect gift this year! We love you so much Carter and always will.
Happy 2 months buddy!
Oh how I would like to find him under my tree!
How precious!!! I am in love with all his hair! And love that Big Sister Ava is so sweet with him... & such a good help with shoving the paci in! :) She knows how it works alrady! Even if Carter doesnt know he's supposed to stop crying when its inserted! haha!
All the pictures are fantastic! What a blessed Christmas you'll having with your TWO children!!! :)
So sweet! You'll treasure all you wrote when you look back someday. It's great that you are tracking his milestones this way!!!
Awwww...he's really grown for sure! Such a sweetie and you can tell he likes to cuddle...yay for that! Seems like you are really enjoying this time so what a blessing. Keep having fun!
I loved this because both of my boys were that way! Off the chart ( I think the charts are wrong for boys, but that is another issue!!!) and in sizes that never coorespond to their age.
What is funny is now I have a little girl who 6 1/2 months, wearing 6 to 9 months clothes, and firmly on the growth chart! :)
LOVE this update, I was just writting Asher's -and it's gonna seem like I just copied yours and changed pictures! It's so fun to have a birthday buddy to grow with and watch! Carter is SO CUTE! Thanks for sharing!
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