

Lifetime Friends

A few weeks ago, one of my girlfriends was in town with her husband and her son, and I meant to post pictures of our time together, but I forgot! Kim and I have known each other from our church nursery days...she was born in November and I was born in April and we have been friends ever since! We went to school together for 13 years at Walnut Ridge and we both graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 2002. She's been married for 3 years now and my friend Amber and I flew to Las Vegas for her wedding, which was super fun....she lives there by the way, they didn't go to Vegas like everyone else does! Anyway, she and her husband Frank were in town visiting her parents, so of course we got together so I could meet her little boy, Austin! He is adorable and looks so much like Kim's side of the family (I think) so it was fun to finally hold him in person. They came over to our house one afternoon and we had a great time catching's such a blessing to have those friendships that transend time and circumstance. I have several close friends who have known me, basically my entire life, and I am so thankful for each of them.