As I'm writing this, Ryley and I are waiting to for a big treat to arrive...My wonderful parents have spoiled me by paying for a cleaning service to come today, in about 45 minutes, to do what I dread doing at this point. Clean!! I do a pretty good job of keeping stuff organized and put away because I'm just type-A enough that I have to have order in my world :) But, what I hate more than anything, is to deep clean. Especially with a 39 week preggo body that doesn't like me bending over, kneeling, or sitting on the floor. These last few weeks have been brutal to stay on top of my floors, the bathrooms, the kitchen, etc. So, my Mom graciously hired a company to come in and do it for me! Isn't that the best?? It's a little weird though too, I've never had anyone clean for me before and part of me is having a hard time relaxing about it. I've fought the urge all weekend to clean for the cleaning people! My pride is keeping me from wanting them to know what my toilets really look like or how dirty the corner of the kitchen floor is where I can't reach. But, I'm just too tired to do too much about it, so I'm getting over myself and choosing to not care what they think! While they are here, Ryley and I are going to have a little playdate together :) It's a sunny day, so I think I'll take him to the dog park in between a few errands. I seriously can't wait to get home though and see my sparkling house!
It's amazing what a little hope will do for you isn't it? Yesterday was just one of those days that I wanted to be over before it even began. When we went to bed Saturday night, the weather had taken a gross turn and it was snowing lightly. When we woke up Sunday morning, it was STILL SNOWING and the ground was completely covered. I seriously wanted to scream. I hemmed and hawed about whether or not to go to church, not because I didn't want to be there, but because it's getting harder and harder to find something to wear, to walk across the massive parking lot and to answer the same statement over and over, "Oh, you're still here? No baby yet, huh?" Yeah, you know what I mean. Add snow on top of all that and you can see why I was wondering if I should make the effort. Anyway I went and as I was searching for a parking spot 10 miles away, I realized I probably should have stayed home. My attitude was not a good one and I was cursing the fact that my husband is a Pastor and therefore unable to help me. Every car that I saw dropping a woman off at the door just made me irritated. But I waddled across that parking lot anyway, snowflakes in my face and tears in my eyes. By the absolute grace of God, my sweet cousin Jenny had saved me a seat and in just a few minutes, I got the much needed dose of perspective and hope I needed. I love being in Church. I love our worship service, I love the teaching from the Word, and I love being with people who are dear to us. I was glad I made the effort, although I did have to pray for a change of attitude and repent of my parking lot meltdown!
Today has brought yet another change in perspective. It's sunny out, the snow is gone. I'm 39 weeks pregnant and near the end of the road. I went to the doctor this morning and was happy to hear that I am effacing and my cervix is "thinning very nicely." I'm not dilated yet, but she told me that in first time pregnancies, it's more common to be totally effaced before you're dilated. She also told me I am measuring right on track and that the baby is maybe a little smaller than we thought! Yay :) She thinks maybe just barely 7 lbs. She also wasn't sure she'd see me next week, which is no guarantee, but it gave me great hope! If I don't go between now and the 20th, I'll be induced on that Monday morning. That's two more weeks, but let me tell you, at least I know the end is in sight!! I'm feeling very good about this visit. I've had contractions here and there for the last week or so, and I hope that means we're just getting ready. I am still hoping to go sometime this week or next, as my Sister Stacie will be flying home on Monday the sad would that be to have her miss it by a few hours?? I'm calling on some prayer warriors to help us avoid that if God allows it!! However, today was just the dose of perspective I needed. I won't be pregnant forever and yet my little Ava is safe and sound in the temple God chose for her. I don't want her to be forced out of there until she's ready or until He decides it's time. I can do this. I can wait :)
I need to wrap this up and head back home, to my sparkling home! I'll leave you with some pictures of the sweetest little gift we received last week from our cousins Jeremy and Melissa.
This sweet little sweater, bonnet and booties were hand-knit by Melissa. They are just gorgeous and so pretty! I am not a knitter, so I know I cannot do this justice, but let me just tell you how intricate and beautiful these things are in person. The color is a little more red than this picture shows and the brown ribbon is so striking with it. I do not know the kind of pattern or stitching this requires, forgive me Melissa, I just know that it is stunning and so soft. I can't wait to put her in this and then pack it away someday for her to keep. Thank you Melissa, I know this had to be hours of your time. It is really sweet.
Stephanie, thank you so much for your note on my blog. I really appreciate it. It was just good to hear from you and encouraging to read what you wrote.
That's so awesome that you had a cleaning service come to your house.. what a blessing!
Glad to hear that you had a good dr.'s appt too. :-)
Those knitted goodies are beautiful! Love the mix of colors!
Very Very cute! I know you are a nanny so I was wondering how long you have off of work?!
Hi Stephanie! I came across your blog several weeks ago and have been checking in since then. You are just too cute:) Congrats on your upcoming arrival!!! Lifting you up in prayers from Alabama~ Aimee
It was a pleasure! I was so happy to do it for Baby Ava... you know how I love babies! The best part about knitting is the prayer and thoughts that one has while making a garment for someone. The hours are both pleasant and productive in more ways than one! I've been sewing lately, check out my blog!
I happened upon your blog some time ago and have loved following your pregnancy journey with Ava! I am the mom of 2 myself (Jonah who's 4 & Aphia who's 2) and have one on the way- I'm about 9 weeks.
Just wanted to let you know that I made the penne/sausage dish last night and my husband RAVED about it! I had to tell him it was from my blog friend Stephanie! Sorry for being a nerd :) But wanted to thank you for the recipe! It's SUPER great and they ALL ate it, which is always a plus!
You're in my prayers for a quick and wonderful delivery! C'mon Ava!
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