I imagined I would break from blogging this week, but as it turns out, we're having such a fun time that I thought I would check in and share a few of our photos! Travis told me that he fully expected me to be blogging this week, so I thought "well why not then?" Let me just tell you, we are LOVING this vacation even more than we thought we would...
It is GORGEOUS here and we have been totally blessed with fabulous weather and a classically defined, stress-free week. So far our days are going something like this:
Sleep in. Eat on balcony. Swim. Tennis. Beach. Eat again. Starbucks. Shop. Eat more, with friends. Ice-cream. Sunset. Relax and do it all over again...PERFECT.
I'll let our pictures do some of the talking, but know that we are having a wonderful time, so full of rest and joy. Being in southwest Florida is totally overwhelming to us. Many times I've gotten very teary just remembering all that this place represents. It's very similar to the stones that the Israelites used to carry to remember what God had done. When I came to Naples, I was fresh out of college and on the cusp of some hard life lessons. I grew abundantly in the Lord here. I was very heartbroken in some ways, lonely from all that I left behind, and unsure of who I really was and what I was all about. Faithfully, the Lord gave me friends that encouraged me, a job that stretched me, a Church that challenged me, and a sweet, wonderful guy who would change my life. Travis is the biggest blessing that Naples gave me, but he isn't the only thing. It's so fun for us to just drive from place to place, while the memories flood our minds. When we're here, we have such peace and joy...it certainly isn't a perfect place, but it's so special to us that it might as well be perfect! Plus, it's hot, beautiful and very far from snow of any kind...what Minnesotan wouldn't love that right now??
Anyway, here are some pictures from our first two days...I know this might be rubbing salt in the wound for some of our northern friends and family, so sorry! I warned you in advance..

I visit Naples at least once a year since I have some great friends that live down there. One of my favorite places is Sweet Treats. Are you a fan? I'm sure you've probably had it since you used to live there, but if not, you've GOT to try it. It is some dang good ice cream! :)
I am glad to see that you guys are having a great week and great weather!
I love it! I got a little teary-eyed looking at your pictures! I'm so glad you are having such a nice relaxing time. Can't wait to see even more pictures.
Beautiful! Hope you have a great time!
I'm so glad you are blogging!!!! (You need to so you can record your vacation memories!) It looks beautiful and like you having a great time. I hope you are relaxing and enjoying your trip! I've been thinking of you while you are on vacation!!!
Glad you checked in to share what a great time ya'll are having! It looks beautiful there. And ya'll are such a cute couple!
Enjoy the rest of your trip! Soak it all up!
It looks so beautiful there! I'm so glad you are having a great vacation. The weather isn't so good here. It snowed yesterday!!!
I am so so happy you guys are having a great time! You NEED it after two long winters! I am just really glad for you. I pray for you so often. I am so glad you guys are getting to relax and have a wonderful time together in the place it all began!
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