Halloween Madness For All
Although we don't have a child to enjoy Halloween with yet, we did manage to have lots of fun last week anyway! We enjoyed ourselves and talked about how different Halloween will be next year! I can't wait to dress up this little baby!! There are so many fun costumes out there...
Happy Halloween from our Red Lobster! This is Ryley's 5th Halloween and he loves it so much when I pull out a costume to torture him every year!! Ok, actually I think this look says it all. He hates it. But, because he's an obedient and submissive dog, he allows me to have my fun anyway! Last year he was a black widow spider, the year before a dinosaur, then a construction worker (one of my personal favorites) and finally a pumpkin. Poor Ryley! He does make a handsome, although hairy, Lobster doesn't he??
We hung out with my cousin Brian and Rhonda and their girls on Friday night. Rhonda and I sat by the fire handing out candy, while Trav and Brian dressed up to walk around with Grace. We think they look particularly lovely in their wigs! I bet some people were nervous to let 2 little girls walk with them!
Travis, Brian, their "colonial" neighbor, Grace the detective and her friend the wizard! I went as the uncomfortable pregnant girl, but no pictures were required for that!
So I took Barrett to Mall of America last week for their Toddler Tuesday program. We go to that sometimes because it's fun for Barrett and I get a great work-out walking around the mall...a win/win. Anyway, they had a costume contest for Halloween and guess who made the top 10 out of 200+ kids?? Yep, Barrett won some pretty cool prizes! Here he is being told that he won!
Of course I think we scored major points because he was Diego and the theme park in the mall is owned by Nickalodeon! He was the only Diego in sight and was getting major attention from the park execs who were there to watch! So funny.
The real treat was when Dora and Diego showed up however. Barrett asked me if "they be sooo nice to me??" before he was brave enough to meet them. I assured him that Dora and Diego were indeed "soooo nice" and they would be thrilled to meet him! He talked about this picture for the next couple of days. He couldn't wait to tell his brothers when we got home!!
I love this picture! Diego, meet Diego. Barrett had a look of terror and joy on his face! Don't you love the wig??
The cutest Diego in the park, in his brother's hand-me-down costume! Good thing he loved it! I was exhausted after this was all over! Once he won his "division" we had to wait for the finals. My "nanny stock" just went way up.
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That is SO cool!! What a fun day for you both!
Ryley makes a VERY handsome lobster! Too cute!
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