I haven't forgotten pictures of the wedding, I'm just waiting for some good ones to share with you. It went so well and turned out beautifully. I was very happy with everything. It was exhausting though, I worked 4, 12 hour days before it was all said and done. I asked the photographer for some pictures, so hopefully he'll share some with me. I took some on my camera, but his will be better!
I need to run because my to-do list is not finished and the clock is ticking! We're hoping for a smooth flight and I'm hoping for no back pain, although I'm sure that won't happen. It's been really bad lately. Good thing I'm head over heels for Ava though, I'll take it all to get her!! Should be fun to see how she likes the airplane. I'm just hoping she doesn't make me sick...that would be no fun! Have a wonderful, blessed week! Thank you for all your sweet comments and emails about little Ava and our pictures. We are so touched by you and very, very grateful for your prayers. We have so much to be thankful for this year, none greater than our Saviour though. He is giver of all good gifts and we are praising Him for His graciousness to us!
Happy Thanksgiving from the Armstrongs,
Travis, Stephanie, Ava and Ryley :)
Have a great trip!!
Been reading your blog, through Kelly's Korner.. Love Ava's name.. very pretty!! Hope you guys have a wonderful Thankgiving.. Hope you enjoy Texas, we live here too!!
Have a wonderufl trip!
Hugs and prayers,
Have a fun and safe trip!!
Love the picture of Ryley! Aww.. what's wrong with a little dog hair in the bed! lol
Hope ya'll have a great trip!
Be safe!
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