We have officially reached 29 weeks today...only 77 days to go now! As you can see, Miss Ava is starting to give me a whole new figure. She is getting so active now, I feel her all day long, moving and kicking. I love it :)

According to www.babycenter.com, she is the size of a butternut squash, pictured above and 2 1/2 pounds. She's also almost 15 inches long, which is amazing to me since most babies are around 19-21 inches when they are born! That seems huge to me already...I can't imagine how I'm going to feel in a few more weeks! Travis told me today that I look like I'm going to pop...I guess he's going to be amazed when we hit 40 weeks :)
I am feeling ok at this stage in the game, although this past week I've really started to notice how tired I am again. I thought it was just because we were so busy last weekend, but I have done nothing but relax for the last few days and I'm still exhausted. It could also be that Ava is now keeping me up at night with her constant kicking and waking me up in the morning, keeping me from doing any kind of sleeping in! Seriously, this must be God's way of preparing us for what is to come, huh?? I have also started to feel quite uncomfortable lately, lots of places on me "ache" these days. I'm realizing this is a normal part of pregnancy and inevitable when your body is stretching and changing to accomodate a little growing person in there. I've just had to learn to adjust my schedule and take the time to sit and rest when I can. Which is hard to do when I have a list a mile long of things I'd like to do before she gets here :) But, I know resting is more important for her sake and mine, than getting stuff done. It's kind of liberating actually to sit with my feet up and know that I'm doing exactly what I should be doing...
This however, is not what we should be doing! We got the bug to make some cupcakes tonight...
And since I'm always craving chocolate these days...
Here I am on my second batch of icing. For some reason the first batch was not good, it didn't look right, but we did get it right (perfect actually) on the second try...
And we ended up with all of these cupcakes, which we shared with our neighbors and saved for ourselves. Not good for me, but ohhh so yummy!! I hope Ava gets all the nutritional value out of them that she can :) I'm hoping to pass the nutrition her way and keep all the sugary goodness for myself!! Wait, is there any nutrition in an iced cupcake??? Don't tell me! I don't want to know!!
Chocolate is ALWAYS good for you!
I can't believe you are 29 weeks! So exciting! I know you're having fun feeling all those kicks! Sleepless nights are NOT that fun though, esp. when you have an 18 month old who wants you to play with him all day starting at 7am!! But you will be good and prepared for all the nighttime feedings and diaper changes!
I looked at my ticker today and couldn't believe what I saw- 24 days left!(or less) My doctor won't let me go past my due date since the hospital is an hour away and Tate came so fast!! I don't want to have her on the belt-line, and I really want that epidural!!
Have fun, relax all you can, and eats lots of chocolate! You can worry about cutting back once Ava is here! Enjoy it now! I'm sure she'll love it one day too!
You both ROCK! those cupcakes look amazingly good! I was hoping i'd bump into you today but i didn't! Hopefully soon!
You make homemade icing???? You're going to be a super-mom doing stuff like that!!!
Your belly is really growing... & looking cuter each day!!!! I seriously cant believe how fast its going!
You are doing great! You'll actually start to get some energy back soon, but remember to take care of YOU!
You are so cute dear one!! I especially love the pic of you in the apron. So sweet.
And those cupcakes -- yummee!!!
Have a Blessed and fun day keeping those tootsie's up =)
You look great and so do those cupcakes!!! YUM!
Happy 29 weeks and those cupcakes look yummy!
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