I dug up these pictures from our last visit together in Naples, three years ago. We went down for Thanksgiving and we haven't been back since...but that's all about to change in less than 7 days!!
One week from tonight, we will be on a plane headed for southwest Florida and next Wednesday, I'll be laying on a beach with my husband, leaving all this Minnesota snow behind! To say we're excited is the understatement of the year...we are giddy with anticipation around here!! I've been stocking up on some new shoes, new swimsuits, and warm weather clothes in general...it's a beautiful thing.
Not only will we be relaxing next week, but we'll also be celebrating Travis' birthday (on Wednesday) and seeing some of our great friends and my Grandpa and Grandma. Can't wait. We've made our list of restaurants we MUST visit (for some amazing and fresh seafood) and we've been making phone calls planning our days and visits. We'll be able to go to our old Church, First Baptist Naples, where we met and served together in the college/career ministry. Lots of friends have moved since then, but we still have some sweet ones left and we'll be getting together for dinner after the Saturday night service...just like the old days.
So, with just 6 days left, it's going to be a challenge to get anything done around here. We both feel like kids who are so distracted we can't concentrate...not good considering I have to get our taxes done before we leave!! I'm also getting some extra fun in this week, as I head down to Iowa for a few days this weekend to help with wedding stuff and drop Ryley off for his own vacation with Grandma and Grandpa. He's also giddy with excitement, as he adores my Dad and he loves their yard! In Ryley's eyes, a week with my Dad is the equivilent of a week of sunshine and the beach... and that is also a beautiful thing. So between Travis, Ryley and Stephanie we're not getting much accomplished but we sure are excited!!
First Baptist on Pine Ridge? No way!! I was babtized at First Baptist Church in Naples many, many years ago. Without getting into too many of the gory details, I walked into that church as a very scared, very alone teenager. I remember how kind everyone was to me there. What a small world!
I also apparently need to learn how to use spell check before I get too excited and post my comment...
I hope you have a great trip!
It used to be on Pine Ridge yes...now they are in a new, big campus on Orange Blossom. We LOVE that Church and always will. We have many dear friends on staff there. How funny!
Sounds like a wonderful trip!!!!! I hope ya'll have the BEST time!!!! (and bring home a souvenir!)
Oh I hope you have a GREAT time... I'm almost jealous! The weather isn't BAD here but I love the Florida weather(this time of year!), and our friends Kyle and Courtney in Lakeland! We hope to go down there in the summer! When it's miserable hot and I'll wish I was somewhere like Minnesota!Have fun!!!
Ahh... looks so nice... was your last trip involving a drivers license issue or am i just dreaming? eat some yummy shrimp, scallops, mahi of course the fried kind ha ha! you all haven't aged at all.. have fun accomplishing your to do list especially the taxes.
haha- we haven't done our taxes yet either.
BTW We just noticed Travis' free gas rocks t-shirt... so funny and we like your Williamsburg t-shirt... you must have not lived on the e. coast for very long!
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