Better than a chocolate bunny anyday, my very handsome husband and his love-struck wife!
Happy Easter! I hope you had a fabulous day, rejoicing in what Easter is all about. Bunnies and chocolate are fun, and family is even better, but I hope the magnitude and the miracle of Easter didn't pass you by. The agony of death on Friday, surpassed by the victory of the Resurrection on Sunday! Death conquered. Hope restored. Promises kept. A beautiful ending to the greatest tragedy known to man. Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed and therefore we have hope...hope in a God who knows how to conquer death. As I was reminded, by a picture of a Church sign in North Carolina, "The Easter bunny didn't rise from the dead!" Jesus did!!
It is my prayer today that each of you would personally know that Savior who came to die in your place, who conquered death's power, once and for all. I count all these ramblings of mine worthless, if you never hear the truth of Jesus from me. Nothing and no one means more to me than Jesus. Without believing in his sacrafice for me on the cross, dying in my place to take the punishment I deserved, I would have no hope. His death brings me life. His salvation rescued me from an eternity apart from Him. My life has nothing to do with the strength of my character, spiritual maturity or any kind of wisdom. All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to Jesus.
It is simply by His grace and mercy that I am here and it is my heart's cry that you would know that. I truly hope in sharing my life with you, via this blog, that you would see my Savior's impact all over everything I do, in both success and failure alike. He is worthy of my best attempt at obedience, worship and love and with one foot in front of the other, and one day at a time, I'm giving Him all of me. Praise the Lord He isn't looking for perfection, it would never come! He simply wants my heart and yours too. Don't let this Easter go by without knowing where your heart lies and don't be fooled, it matters. Eternity is a long time to live with regret.
I love each of you...Happy Easter! He is Risen...He is Risen, Indeed!!

We had a fantastic day with my extended family at my cousin Amy and Joe's house...31 of us in one house! We had a ridiculous amount of food and a great time...we are very blessed to be in Minnesota with a wonderful family.

The Kennedys, after a mere 6 attempts to get this picture!

College basketball on a Sunday afternoon...they were captivated by one thrilling game after another!

This one was particularly captivated I think! He must have been contemplating how badly I am beating him in our bracket competition!!

3 of the best cousins a girl could ask for! Love 'em all...just missing Rhonda in this picture.

A few of the reasons why we accepted the job at Grace...some our former, current and future junior highers! It's pretty easy to love students when you're related to lots of them!!

The cute Rogness crew...I'm not sure what happened to my idea about taking pictures of every family! Sorry Lowes, Dahls, and Williams...I have no pictures of you!
I tried to comment this morning and it messed up on me.
Ya'll look so cute in your Easter pics. It must be so fun to have such a big family to spend it with!!!
Really good pictures! Your hair is getting so long.. I really like it! I'm glad you got to be with your family!
Glad y'all had a good Easter. Good pictures! It is nice to get to be with family. We still eat at my nannie's house every Sunday(it's seriously like Christmas dinner every Sunday, she starts cooking on Saturday!) and Easter was no exception. Yummy! Everyone was there- except Alvin-he normally is there on Sunday's but he ate with his family for Easter.
Glad y'all had a good Easter. Good pictures! It is nice to get to be with family. We still eat at my nannie's house every Sunday(it's seriously like Christmas dinner every Sunday, she starts cooking on Saturday!) and Easter was no exception. Yummy! Everyone was there- except Alvin-he normally is there on Sunday's but he ate with his family for Easter.
It looks like you had a great Easter! We spent ours with family as well, but not 31 people! That is awesome.
I'm glad your bracket is doing well. Mine nearly collapsed on Friday!
I'll keep praying for you and your trip! My mom lives in Naples, and I think she said it was 85 degrees there yesterday. Definitely better than the rain/snow mix we got Saturday night!!
Hey Steph! I think blogger deleted my comment last night..I really though I had commented, but maybe I didn't hit publish?! I think I'm losing it!!! It looks like you had an amazing Easter! So glad you were able to celebrate with family!!!
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