


I've spent almost all of today and most of yesterday, sick in bed.  I kind of knew something was coming on Friday night, but we were both part of a wedding on Saturday, so I had no time to stop and ward it off.  Unfortunately for me, as the day wore on Saturday, my throat started hurting and I got really tired.  When we got home late Saturday night, I told Travis that I had totally overdone it and I knew it was going to be hard to get out of bed Sunday morning.  I slept for 10 hours that night and somehow made it to Church yesterday morning, but when we got home I immediately crashed.  We both took a nap after lunch and then I never really made it out of bed after that.  I knew that rest was going to be the best thing for me and I wasn't too excited about taking much medicine, so that's literally all I've done now for 24 hours!  I feel somewhat better.  My throat isn't as sore and my ears are not so congested, but I still feel exhausted and achy.  I hate being sick, but it feels even worse knowing my little baby is depending on me.  I've been trying to eat, even though I don't feel like it, and trying to stay hydrated for his/her sake.  Isn't it amazing how these maternal feelings come out in every detail of life?  

It feels so incredible these days to really be aware of the baby.  My stomach is growing and my hand is always on it!!  It's as if there is a magnetic pull from my stomach to my hand.  I love it!  When I wake up I feel that bump, when I get up I put my hand there, when I'm walking I hold it, and lately Travis seems to have his hands on my stomach too.  We were both talking yesterday about how excited we are to feel the baby move in the next few weeks.  We are still reading our book everyday that tells us exactly what's happening.  We read yesterday that the baby is now the size of a medium shrimp, about 3 inches in length.  Of course since we read that I've had a total craving for cold shrimp and cocktail sauce!!   But, all kinds of little details are being knit together right now and we are praising the Lord for every one!  

I hope your weekend was a great one.  We had a good time watching our sweet friends get married and begin their lives together.  They are a wonderful couple who have honored the Lord with their relationship and we are praying for the Lord's richest blessings in their marriage.  They were both small group volunteers for us in junior high, so they hold a special place in our hearts.  Congratulations Michael and Laura!!  Enjoy your honeymoon!!

I took Laura to get her hair done and her make-up done on Saturday morning. We had a great time together, getting excited for her big day! This picture is unfair however, she is looking all gorgeous with her hair and make-up done and I am looking the opposite! Oh well, it was all about the bride! You looked beautiful Laura!

The happy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kleven. Congratulations guys!!  We love you both!


Matt and Jen said...

sorry you don't feel good, steph!! rest is always the best thing. glad you had a day to do just that. hang in there!! glad you guys are reading about your baby together. matt and i loved doing that every week...

Anonymous said...

Steph, I have the same stuff going on. I started getting sick on Thursday and spent the whole weekend in the bed. The only thing that has helped me get through this stuff is saline nose drops. If you decide that you want to try something. I felt that was the safest thing to take for the baby's sake. It has made me feel a little bit better. This makes my second cold/sinus infection since I have been pregnant. I hope you feel better soon and get lots of rest!

amy said...

steph.. i remember those days of being so sick and not wanting to take anything... no fun!!! we're praying for a speedy recovery and rest for you and baby Armstrong! you look GREAT in your baby bump pic... what a precious time for you all!

Rebecca Jo said...

Weddings are so fun - even when you dont feel good! Sounds like you have been running way too much! Your body is making you slow down now....hang in there! You'll feel like yourself soon! Here's to a speedy recovery!

petrii said...

So sorry you're not feeling well.

Laura was absolutely beautiful ~~ and that dress -- gorgeous!!

Have a Blessed week and hope you are feeling better,

The Allens said...

I am noticing the same thing now with my hand always on my stomach!

Barb said...

What a wonderful friend you are. Hope you are feeling better really soon.

TheFancyFritter said...

Hi! I'm having a giveaway on my blog that I think you may love! Come join and I hope you win! Thanks so much! :)