

Time is Slip, Slip, Slipping Away....

Happy Wednesday to you!  I have to tell you, it's a little surreal to think that today might be my last full day to myself, tonight might be my last night at home, and tomorrow might be the big check-in day!  After all these months, it's finally coming down to these last few days and hours...Thank you Lord!!  

I am busily working through my to-do list, which brings me much peace :) I am such a list girl and you know I've given my multi-colored thin line sharpies a workout in the last few days!  My sister was teasing me on Monday night about my need to just "make things up" so I can write it on a list :) I argued that I wasn't "making stuff up" but rather organizing my thoughts...In a color coordinated way!  However, when things like "iron shower curtain", "update blog", and "wash all rugs" appear, it does seem like maybe I'm reaching for things to do :) Regardless, having a list and crossing stuff off of it, is what allows me to sleep at night, so whatever works, right??  

Yesterday, Stacie and I did some serious power-walking.  We conquered the world of Ikea, which was hilarious as I had to dodge the maze layout they have going on in that store, so I could get to the bathroom!  I seriously hate the way that store is designed, although I totally understand why they do it that way.  At least they were smart enough to put those shortcut routes in, after people flipped out when it first opened.  I am just rebellious enough that I would have walked backwards down the escalator if I had to!  Good thing I didn't :) 

After Ikea, we tackled the Mall of America.  That was a bad idea.  Not because of the walking, but because of the magic powers that place holds over me...Here's how it works:

Instruction to walk + time on our hands + 9 months of emotion (x) temptation to shop 
Way too much time and money spent in Baby Gap!  

Here is what we came home with...

The cutest darn hoodie ever :) 
A Hawaiian Shirt that makes me want to head to the nearest beach, 
A onesie that makes me smile, 
Another that makes me laugh and a skirt that goes with everything!  Can you stand it??  
Oh, and just to throw everything over the top, I found these little booties for Ava to wear when we go to Daddy's soccer games this summer!!  I mean really, what's a girl supposed to do just days before she delivers??  I had to shop!!  I've been so disciplined about it until now :) 

And just so my Mom can feel good about missing Tiggy, here's what he was up to yesterday.  Resting on a stack of clean towels...
basking in the sunshine...
And just looking pretty cute :) It's a rough life...

My Dad is here now, he came up last night, so he and Stacie and I are going to do some fun stuff together today.  My Mom had to work today and tomorrow so that she can be here for the weekend and a few days next week.  It's been really fun to have my family here for the last week and to have a much needed distraction.  The weather is gorgeous again, we're going to hit 68 today!!  I've got to hop in the shower and then we're off for an afternoon of activity.  We're getting so close and I'm getting very excited!  Thank you for all the prayers and fun comments :) You're making this week very fun for me!!  Have a great day today!!


Melissa said...

I can't wait to read the "she's here!" post and see pictures of Miss Ava!

Cute clothes, by the way.

Miz Jean said...

I remember so well the day before I was induced with Reagan. I had all these plans but I just ended up napping! Ha! I'm glad you are able to rest, have fun and get things accomplished!! Have a wonderful fun day today! But the best days are yet to come! :) Can't wait to hear the news!!!!

Miz Jean said...

Maybe y'all should go golfing today! ;) Don't tell me you didn't think about it!

Rebecca Jo said...

I'm so anxiously awaiting to pull up your blog to see miss Ava's face!!!

Cute baby clothes.. .am totally loving the soccer booties!!! Going to make daddy proud!!!

And what a cute doggie... where else to lay BUT on clean towels!

Amanda Hoyt said...

Those clothes are just too cute! Hope the walking did the trick and that tonight or tomorrow Ava makes her appearance!
Hugs and prayers,

amy said...

Steph... i can't wait to see the blog be updated with sweet pics of Ava!!!! your induction plan sounds much like mine did with Abby.... only when i went in to have my cervix ripened, i was already contracting and at a 4 (and had no CLUE and was not dilated at all the day before!) i'm praying that it all goes VERY smoothly for you guys and that you have a safe labor and delivery and healthy little one soon! we love you guys!!!!

Kruger Kids said...

Praying for you and for Ava! The light at the end of the tunnel is within sight! Keep up the good work Mama!

sheltonfamily said...

So fun! It is very surreal huh? I was induced the way you might be with Ava with the ripening pill...It worked great and much less harsh than pitocin. You'll do great and I'll be anxiously awaiting your news. Go treat yourself to a great dinner tonight!

petrii said...

HOW EXCITING!!! Have fun with your fam this afternoon and rest well. Baby's a comin' =)


Praying for you,

Heather said...

I am so excited for you!!! Enjoy your maybe-last night!

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! We can't wait to see pictures and meet Miss Ava!!!! Enjoy your hopefully last night sleeping in your own bed before baby! :) ( i didn't sleep much the night before i went in to be induced nor did i sleep well in the hospital after she came I hope it's different for you!!!)

Heather, Sam and Elli

Matt and Jen said...

so excited for you guys. i'll be praying for you to have peace that you don't even understand!!! enjoy every moment...confusing, crazy, or peaceful! love you so much.

Meredith said...

We are so happy and excited for you! You will be in my prayers tomorrow! Can't wait to log on and see the updates!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you! You'll soon have a little one to put into all those cute clothes. I check your blog daily (several times in a day, in fact). Can't wait to read that Ava's here!

Michele said...

Stephanie, I'm so excited for you and Travis! Enjoy your last day before your sweet baby girl:-)

Jay & Leta Palmer said...

Love your purchases. Thinking of you today! So exciting! :)

Erin said...

Oh how I love baby gap! I mean I could live in that store, shop there every single day! I LOVE IT :) Cute stuff :)