Tonight we went to a pool party with the Pastor's and their families. It was such a great night, I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, Travis couldn't go because he had a soccer game to coach, but Ava and I went and we both had fun. Of course I wished Trav would have been there, and so did he, but we did just fine by ourselves. It did take me FOREVER to get out the door with a baby, a diaper bag, pool stuff for both of us, and food to share. But, we made it and I'm glad we went.
I spent some time chatting with my staff-wife friends and left there feeling very grateful for each of them. We are very, very blessed to be on staff at our Church and to walk alongside so many great families. It is a gift to be able to spend time together, not because we have to but because we love to. I know that is not always present at every church, but I am so very thankful that it is here. I love those women and I know I could call any one of them for anything. They are such an encouragement to me as I parent now, sometimes alone, while Travis is doing a ministry thing. They've been in my shoes and are full of wisdom that I love to soak up. It's a great blessing to enjoy the people you serve with. We LOVE our church!
Anyway, it was a great night and swimming wore my little girl out, which is exactly why I did it! Travis has been gone all day and Ava and I have been going it alone. But, as I was praying over her and putting her to bed tonight, I realized that we had such a good day together. Ava has been keeping a very predictable schedule and I have been enjoying her so much. We got lots of play time in, a few errands run, and some work time accomplished for me. I'm finally starting to know my limits and be realistic about what I need to get done everyday. Ava has been taking these wonderfully long naps that are allowing me to "git 'r done" when it comes to my "to-do-list." (I'm pretty sure that is the first and last time I'll ever use that phrase!!) It's been really great. I think I'm also at a point where I know her and I know her cries and her patterns. She is not such a mystery to me anymore :) But believe me, this could all change tomorrow! We are having fun together and I am trying to cherish every second with her. The events of last week have compelled me to do so...
I did want to tell you that Maggie, the Mom of 4 that I asked you to pray for, went to be with Jesus early Sunday morning. Please keep her husband Jordan and their 4 precious children (Sophie, Jack, Jonas and Owen) in your prayers. Our heart breaks for them as they transition to life without Maggie, but we are so glad she is done with cancer and in the presence of her Savior. Her kids have a tough road ahead of them and they are so young, but we know that the Lord will use this loss in their lives and we are praying that they'll be able to trust Him as a result of this heartache.
Little Kate has made it through her first brain surgery and now they are watching for any signs of trouble and waiting for the pathology reports to come back tomorrow. Things are ok at the present, (considering their 5 year old just had major brain surgery) but her prognosis is still very grim. I can't stop thinking about her throughout most of my day, and for her family as they walk this road they don't want to be on. When I watch the video her Mom and Dad made, I can see the heartbreak all over Holly's face. It kills me. But, it's made me thank God for my healthy and whole little Ava. I find myself holding her closer and snuggling a little more because I can't imagine facing a life-threatening illness with her. I know my heart would break at the thought of anything being wrong, let alone at the news that she had a mass on her brain. Please continue to pray for sweet Kate Mc Rae. She needs a miracle in this fight for her life.
Well, I think Travis should be home any minute and I am fading quickly. I'll leave you with a picture of Ava's latest trick, playing with her feet! She loves it, she's always grabbing for them now, which is so cute. What fun to see her reach another developmental milestone :)
"Look Mom, I have feet! And I can reach them!!"
"What, I'm not supposed to put them in my mouth??"
"But what if I do it when you're not looking?"
"Why don't you think about that Mom, while I stare intensely at this monkey "
I am glad you guys had a fun time! The water is so much fun I only wish it was safer! I always worry with water because Alex is not scared of anything!
Hope you got a good nights rest!
What a great post!! She is just adorable! Glad you had fun at the pool party!!
What a sweet girl and I totally agree about loving your staff families. We feel soooo blessed as well! Ava is a great picture to me of what Mary will be like in 6-8 weeks. It is amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time.
WOW She's so cute!!! I can't believe she's putting her feet in her mouth already!!! What a sweetie!
YOU are a blessed lady! Love you, praying for those sweet people, Peggy
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