

8 Years Ago...

...We said "I Do."

And if I had to do it all over again, I would do it in a heartbeat!
Travis, you are the best husband a girl could ever ask for and I'm incredibly grateful that the Lord chose you to be my husband.  There is no one who makes my heart skip a beat like you, no one I'd rather spend my life with, no one I'd rather build a family with and no one I'd rather grow old with.  You are a great husband, not because of your easy going personality or your joyful heart or just because I "got lucky" and met a really nice guy.  You are the man of my dreams because you love Jesus more than anyone or anything else, and your devotion to Him is the greatest gift you could ever give me.  As the years stack up and our kiddos wear us out, you grow more handsome and more desirable to me.  I see you pursue Christ everyday in the midst of the chaos and stress, and on the good days and the hard ones too.  Nothing looks more attractive on you than that!  As your love for Him increases, so does your love for me and in return, my love for you.  You spur me on in my relationship with Jesus just by your own quiet and daily example. Watching you soak up truth and lay aside time every morning pushes me to be in His Word, no matter what my day holds. 

Our marriage isn't perfect.  We've had days we regret, words we wish we could take back, and walls between us that took too long to come down.  We're often too busy and we don't schedule enough dates nights and yes, life is hard and we've made mistakes...But in the ups and downs and twists and turns, there is no one else I'd choose to walk hand in hand with than you.  
 I love you, I respect you and I admire you.
I'm thankful that I can rest at night knowing you are committed to me as I am to you.

If the Lord took one of us tomorrow, I can honestly say that these 8 years together have held more life and more joy than some people experience in a lifetime!  Would I change some things?  Sure. 
But would I change you?  NO WAY! 

I love you Travy.
I'm hoping we have many years together to celebrate and cherish with all the emotion and excitement and love that we felt 8 years ago... 

 Happy Anniversary to the one I love!
You are a gift in everyway...
Welcome home baby, I missed you!


Darla said...

Happy anniversary, you two!

Ron and Peggy said...

Such a sweet tribute to your husband. Congratulations to you both on your stellar choice of each other. I couldn't agree more.