

Ryley's Camp Adventures

Bringing Ryley to camp was so great! It was so much easier for us to just bring him than to have to arrange for some one to take care of him...and I didn't have to wonder if he was ok or what he was doing. He stayed in his crate on our porch all week at night, but during the day, he ran and played and swam with the kids. Our cabin was in the middle of all the boys cabins, which was really great because Ryley became a total bonding point between us. At all hours of the day, we always had boys hanging around our cabin, playing with Ryley and talking to us. It was funny because some of the boys who are so quiet, totally opened up around Ryley because they had a dog at home and they wanted to talk about that, which of course led to other things. Who knew God would use Ryley this week to be a connection point with so many campers?? Anyway, Ryley was totally exhausted everyday because he played all day! Here are some pictures of him swimming in the lake with Travis and the kids...he swam everyday for at least an hour and the kids were so great with him. We've decided we need to get him in lakes more because he loves it!