Well, I'm a happy girl again. My super-cute husband is home and all is well in the world! I didn't know when I married a Pastor, that I would be marrying a traveler too. We were thinking about all the trips Travis has been on this year and it's quite ridiculous! He's practically gone more than he's home...well, that's probably an exaggeration, but it's felt like that. It's a good thing we got a dog three years ago because I would not handle these week long trips as well as I do without Ryley! There is something about having a big 80lb dog with you when you're home alone. It's good security!
However, that "good security" was in BIG TROUBLE yesterday! 99.9% of the time, I have no complaints about Ryley, but occasionally that naughty .1% comes out and I want to give him away...yesterday was that day. I was on my way out the door before Trav came home and I decided to quickly take Ryley out to go potty before I left. As we were headed back towards home, Ryley took off running and immediately started sniffing at something as if it were his favorite smell...before I could even get there, he did the one thing that makes us so mad! He dropped his head/neck and began rolling in something. For anyone who has a dog, you know that means one thing: trouble. I don't know why, but God made dogs with some insane desire to roll in all things smelly...dead things, gross things, old things, etc. Well, this "thing" did not disappoint. I bent over to see what it was and quickly realized (to my horror) that it was human poop...and my big, hairy dog was now covered in it. Gross doesn't even begin to cover it. I also have no idea who on earth would poop in the grass, but of course MY dog would have to discover it. So, needless to say, I did not get to leave until I hosed Ryley off and then proceeded to give him a bath, by myself, all the while wondering why this always happens when Travis is gone??? I mean, seriously. This is so my luck.
So now Ryley is clean again and smelling good, Travis is home and I'm recovering from this virus that has left me with no voice. Nice weekend, huh? Oh, and the Hawkeyes lost last night. Sometimes when it rains, it pours! Story of my life...but at least my sweet husband is home to take care of that naughty dog again...it's a good thing he was covered in poop, because I wanted to beat him but instead I couldn't touch him. I suppose he did that on purpose too!
OHHHH.. that is why Jabez is at the myrtle beach pound. J/K! However, Rylie is more smart than Jabez ever will be and you have a great dog! I'm glad Travis got home! Have a good Monday!
Hi Stephanie! I came across your blog today very haphazardly. I also love to read the LPM blog, but that is not how I found you today. It was through some random jumping around on other sites that I like to read and I don't think it was really by accident that God led me here to you. I read your post about your recent miscarriage and I just wanted to say that I will be praying for you. I too miscarried our first child and reading your thoughts brought back so many memories for me. It truly was one of the worst days of my life like you said. I had never before experienced such pain in my heart that almost made it hard to breath at times. I remember like you knowing my baby was gone before it was confirmed and saying to my husband "I want to hold our baby" knowing this side of heaven I never would. But I also experienced the loving embrace of my heavenly father through it all. I have such a heart now for people that have to go through this loss and I think that is one of the reasons why God allowed it in my life...to teach me compassion. In His goodness and grace He has since blessed us with four beautiful children...including a set of twins. Keep running to Him Stephanie. He has such great plans for you both! My favorite verse during that hard time for me was Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a furture." Praying for God to wrap you in His loving arms today and to give you the gift of a child in the very near future! Blessings to you and your sweet husband ~ Kristin
We love ya'll. Glad Travis is home safe with you and Riley. Hoping to see you soon!
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