Well, I'm officially in that season of looking for the perfect "Christmas picture" to send this year....poor Travis has to put up with my constant pleas for "let's just take a quick picture honey" about everyday! Here is a picture that we took in Texas, in front of the river that runs behind his Uncle Ron and Aunt Peggy's house...I like it, but it's not "the one." I have an idea in mind of what I want, it's just a matter of getting my boys on board with me! Of course I love to have Ryley in the picture with us, but that usually requires LOTS of patience on Travis' part as I insist on taking "just one more" because Ryley was looking away...does anyone feel sorry for Travis besides me?? I know I'm alot to deal with in this particular area and I freely admit it, but there is just something about a Christmas card picture that makes me slightly neurotic! I like to think I make up for it by being especially sweet and good-natured the other eleven months of the year...right?? (No responses to that statement are necessary!)
I am the same way... I just laid out all the different Chistmas picture outfits and how they might look and I never have the perfect one...I really like this one on your blog..I like your necklace and the black/white contrast in your shirts. I think it's perfect! We miss you all... lots!
I LOVE this picture! I think it's definitely in the running for "the one!" I'm trying to decide how we'll do ours with me still sooo pregnant (I'm begging for no picture!) and Josiah will be sooo small. We'll see how it turns out! Sorry I haven't been a faithful commenter lately...you all are heavy on my mind and heart as I think through the road you've been on these past few months. I am so encouraged to read your blog and see you reveal your heart and feelings so intimately. Your posts challenge me to examine my own life and my relationship with Jesus. I must admit, I often wonder why some roads are marked with sorrow and tragedy when we are faithfully standing by our husbands in ministry. I feel bad writing about Abby & Josiah knowing what you and Travis are facing, but know that God is SOVEREIGN and just, and He alone knows the perfect plans he has for your family. I love you, sweet friend, and although my comments on your blog may be few and far between, know that you and Travis are on our hearts every day! Take care!
Can I be added to your Christmas card list this year? First of all, I'd love to receive a card with "the perfect picture" (I mean, who wouldn't?), and of course I'd love the Armstrong household Christmas update!
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