We could not let a trip through Dallas go, without seeing our Seminary partners-in-crime, the Sheltons!! Mike and Holly are such great friends of ours and we were so excited to see them. They've just moved from North Carolina to Dallas a month ago, when Mike accepted a job at Watermark Community Church as their High School Pastor. We toured their new Church and loved it...it's so good to see them and to know they are in a Church that they are well-suited for. We also got to see Ellie and Anna, who we have not seen for such a long time! Ellie was just a brand new baby when we saw her last and this was the first time we got to meet Anna. They are both darling and little Sheltons for sure and we loved staying with them in their new house. Of course a trip to see the Sheltons would not be complete without some random Mike and Travis moments! We spent some quality time catching up and laughing our heads off, but we also got down to business and found a great bar-be-que place in Dallas to have lunch. We were reminded of so many of our famous "seminary days" and all those great memories we have...it makes me wonder, if we can have this much fun on earth with our friends who love Jesus, how much more fun will we have in Heaven with our friends and Jesus??? We decided that we hope our Mansions in glory are close to each other so the parties will never end!!!
I don't need to look at these pictures cause it will make me want you to move here really bad. Ha! It was just way to much of a "tease" to have good friends with us for such a short time... It really encouraged us and we are so thankful for you all!
Texas misses you much more than I'm sure you miss it..since you saw almost all of it!
Travis!!! Bro, that picture of us eating barbecue is UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME!!! It's making me hungry as we speak!!! Love you buddy!
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