We had one of those quiet and sweet weekends at home, which I'm thankful for because looking at our calendar for the next few months is already exhausting. We are about to get very, very busy. Sigh...
Anyway, after a late night on Friday due to a dodgeball tournament (yes, I am definitely married to a youth Pastor) we were hoping to sleep in on Saturday, but these two little kiddos had other ideas.

I took this on my phone, so the quality isn't great, but still. They were both wide eyed and bushy tailed, despite how sleepy Travis and I were :)
Sidenote-I know they look alike, but this picture really threw me. They are making the exact same face, aren't they??
Anyway, I told Travis I didn't know what we were going to have for breakfast (because frankly I've done a horrible job all week in the grocery department) so could we just go out for breakfast instead?
We have never taken the kids our for breakfast I'm pretty sure, so it was a fun surprise for Miss Ava. We all got dressed in about 10 minutes, it was a Saturday miracle!
This little track suit is my new favorite on my big girl!
She looks like she's 15 in that outfit :)
Ava was all about having some pancakes so that's what we got her. BUT as soon as she spotted our hashbrowns and a bottle of ketchup, it was all over :) She relentlessly asked for "french fries" (hashbrowns) until she cleaned both of our plates!
And Carty just chilled with his Daddy :)
The 2 handsome men in my family.
While his big sister was at the park later, Carter and I discovered his mutual love for his sister's new ride!
He just LOVED sitting in her car and has spent a considerable amount of time in there this weekend.
I will tell you, when Ava first laid eyes on her little brother in HER car, she was not thrilled.
So we've had plenty of conversations this weekend, defining and redefining what it means to share.
We've made an inkling of progress but there is much room for growth, ha ha!
Luckily, Carter is happy just about anywhere!
He's become such a little boy lately, leaving so many of his infant ways behind him.
He's gotten so good at sitting up, his balance has improved and he has learned how "take a fall" without hurting himself. He just kind of goes into a forward sprawl :)
I know I say it a million times every week, but he's just so cute. I am incredibly grateful that God gave us Carter! He is so laid back, so snuggly and just a little joy. Ava is totally into him right now, she asks all day long to "hug Cartu?" He just cranes his neck to lay eyes on her and watch her every move. I caught the sweetest scene the other day on video...She was spontaneously dancing and he was belly laughing, watching her. The more she amped it up, the harder he laughed! It was precious.
I'm so glad they have each other to grow up with.!!
Because growing up seems to be on both of their minds right now...
While this little monkey was on his play mat, kicking his toys, he did a new trick and I was lucky enough to get it on camera!
This little guy rolled on his tummy (which he's done before) but then...
...he rolled onto his back!
Which of course freaked him out :)
But when I convinced him that was a good thing...
...he was up for the challenge again!
So I enticed him with his apple a few more times ;)
...and he played along for awhile.
And then he had enough :)
So he sat up and played with Daddy instead.
And then he snuggled up with his sister while his Daddy and I tried to stop all the clocks and slooooooow this season of our lives down :)
It was a great weekend at home!
Growing way too fast. Put a brick on those heads!
That coupe car...also has been called a "sin wagon." Kids just love those things!
Oh my goodness! You captures such CUTE smiles. Love it:)
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