

Day Eighteen: Home is for Recovering

I'm not sure I've ever been more thankful for home and all the projects we worked like mad to accomplish recently.  For about a week and a half, sickness has invaded our space and taken 3 of the four of us down.  
 I was resolute for awhile that I was not coming down with anything.  I drank tons of water, washed my hands like a crazy woman and just thought I'd will myself well.  
 Carter kicked the whole thing off last Sunday with a raspy cough and a runny nose.  I could tell he wasn't feeling well so we stayed home from Church and just rested.  The next morning Ava woke up and threw up...not much of anything really but still.  So home from preschool she stayed and curled up on this little makeshift bed next to ours is where she slept on Monday.  By Monday night she was doing better but I had a feeling I should check on her while I was getting ready for bed and sure enough, she had thrown up again.  Without getting too detailed, we quickly decided that it was primarily mucus that was coming up and once again, I knew she'd be home from school on Tuesday.  

Thankfully she was back to her normal self all day on Tuesday, eating again and with no real symptoms other than an occasional dry cough.  Carter was totally through his course of it by then and the two of them seemed A-OK.  But unfortunately, when I woke up I had an unbelievable sore throat, chills, an achy body and a headache.  I knew it wasn't going to be a good day for me.  
 The kids were basically on their own most of the day while I stayed in bed with oatmeal and some orange juice.  I tried to sleep as much as I could while turning on movie after movie for them.  
 I assumed I'd have lots of time to blog or email or whatever....
 ...time to journal and study and read too.  But I really never felt good enough to do any of it.  Still thinking this was just a 24 hour thing, I hoped for a better Wednesday but instead what was in my throat seemed to be settling into my chest.  I coughed and coughed and coughed all day while trying to take care of the kids.  Travis had an all-nighter scheduled that night, so I was totally on my own and very low on groceries.  Somehow I limped my way through Target with the kids that night, who were definitely on their best behavior.  I swear my facebook friends prayed me through that shopping trip and then I settled in for the night.  Thursday was more of the same, as was Friday.  My voice was gone by then and generally I was just exhausted.  My Dad and his friend were in town, which was so fun but I was so bummed to be feeling so awful.  When Travis got home from a ministry thing on Friday night at 10pm, I told him I wanted to go straight to the Urgent Care.  I couldn't do another night of hacking up a lung and getting no rest.  So there we were at 10:30 on a Friday night.  My Dad stayed home with the kids (praise the Lord) and I walked in with my pajamas, mascara blurred under my eyes and my very patterned rain boots.  I was a sight to behold I'm sure, but I felt so bad I could not have cared less!  
I came home with meds and the makings of an upper respiratory infection.  I was ordered to do absolutely nothing for the weekend which is exactly what I did.  I laid on the couch on Saturday and Sunday, napping, watching football, getting a few posts written, and trying to lose this cough.  
All that rest did help for sure and today my cough is much better, though still hanging around.  I don't feel any worse, but I'm not back to normal yet.  Thankfully no one else has what I do, as the Mom I naturally got the brunt of the virus and all the fun that goes with it.  I'm still just very tired, I require an afternoon nap, and by the end of the evening I'm spent.  

As I've rested up and left the house very little for the last week, I've never loved my little home more!  It's so nice to stare at freshly painted walls, to walk on the soft carpet and to love my bathroom floors every time I walk in there.  I'm SO, SO, SO thankful the Lord kept me healthy through the chaos and that I've been sick during two quiet weeks.  I'm sad that I'm so behind in this 31 days series but I'm giving myself permission to get over it and just rest.   I am slowly entering the land of the living again and running the minivan express daily again.  The night time is the hardest for me but my inhaler is helping and thankfully I've been able to sleep, once I finally fall asleep.  

Of course I lie in bed sometimes and dream up new things I could do on the walls or tweaks in every room, I can't shut that part of my mind off no matter how I feel!  But mostly home has been a sweet haven for me this past week and I'm grateful.  I promise I will get a post up about my kitchen this week if it kills me, but now you know why it may take a little extra time to do it.  Hope you are enjoying this week and are finding some rest in your home too.  I'm off to Church for the night where I will hopefully be sipping some coffee and chatting with some students and leaders.  Life goes on, right?  
I'm napped up for the evening and Ava and I have her Cubbies verse memorized, yes!  I will likely have to drag myself home tonight, but at least I know I have a cozy place to come home to and fresh sheets on the bed.  Now THAT is a great feeling!

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